This is a series of pictures documenting my friend Jose's first skydiving adventure. This was jump 31 for me.
Here is Jose at the entrance to the drop zone (see how happy he looks).
"Earth John" is helping Jose with the harness.
Harry (the Tandem Master) is going over in flight hook-up procedures.
More rehearsals.
I'm just waiting outside for Jose and Harry to come up the steps. Janet (the pilot) was gracious enough to take the picture. See how happy I look. This is the day after my first reserve ride. I am still in one piece and my rigger re-assembled the rig.
Be careful of the steps, don't hurt yourself.
Here we are, one happy trio (my jumpsuit is NOT pink, it is magenta!!!).
This pic is so-so, I had to take my gear off, grab the camera, and run to the LZ. Jose is the one in the air.
He is now on the ground, happy, happy, joy, joy!
A successful jump!