Welcome to my Guestbook!

Cobra_babe - 04/11/00 03:33:02
My URL:http://www.phys.lsu.edu/students/meades/rlp
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
Your favorite cartoon character: Tazmanian Devil
How many jumps? (for those who jump): out of a plane: 0, off a cliff: 1
Where are you from: Baton Rouge, LA

You will never, eeeever have a car as great as mine!

someone - 04/07/00 04:37:56
My URL:http://cobracar.com
How did you find my page?: fat luck
Your favorite cartoon character: tweety
Where are you from: somewhere

that car you want is garbage

John Hansen - 12/22/99 15:11:45
My Email:john@companionsystems.com
How did you find my page?: you sent the address to me
Your favorite cartoon character: Felix the cat
How many jumps? (for those who jump): 20
Where are you from: Tooele Utah (God's Country)

Get a life - you don't have one picture of the project in Alaska, I dont want to see tourist pictures I want to see large Army machines destroying virginal Alaskan ground. Good to hear from you and I hope all is well with you and yours. PS I would ask about your sex life but I don't want to depress you this close to Christmas. Merry Christmas and happy new year.

Carol (a.k.a. Aunt) - 12/18/99 02:46:39
My Email:you have it.
How did you find my page?: you gave it to me
Your favorite cartoon character: Sylvester
How many jumps? (for those who jump): never........
Where are you from: Omaha

Great pics. I'll buy you that car when I make more than you. Don't drown in swampland.

Carol (a.k.a. Aunt) - 12/18/99 02:45:17
My Email:you have it.
How did you find my page?: you gave it to me
Your favorite cartoon character: Sylvester
How many jumps? (for those who jump): never........
Where are you from: Omaha

Great pics. I'll buy you that car when I make more than you. Don't drown in swampland.

SMITH M> - 12/17/99 17:44:20
Where are you from: BEST SUPPLY SGT IN NGB

SIR omnly two things fall from the sky

Peter T. Bell - 12/16/99 19:12:41

Wayne you idiot! All you need in those Alaska pics is a leather biker hat and you're all set for a spot in the Village People group! Cool page!!!!

Matt Giddings - 12/16/99 05:48:36
My Email:mattg21@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: From You
How many jumps? (for those who jump): 0 But 5 months to retite
Where are you from: Muskegon, Michigan

Have a great day. Will talk to you later SFC Giddings

Trouble: The Canadian way - 12/16/99 00:14:39
My Email:susanned@sympatico.ca
How did you find my page?: Can't help but "find" it with so much of your self-advertising!! *grin*
Your favorite cartoon character: Tigger
How many jumps? (for those who jump): 0-- and counting...
Where are you from: Born and raised in Sarnia, Ontario Canada now an Ottawa bureaucrat

The pics of Alaska are beautiful... almost makes me want to visit... then again, it's cold enough where I am .... If you ever decide you want to move to a more friendly country *smiles* just let me know... Happy holiday! Enjoy the snow while you can..... Susanne

freakin german - 06/10/99 05:08:52
My Email:axeljvw@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: poor
Your favorite cartoon character:: wayne himself
Where are you from: berlin

love u 2, little buddy

Rhonda Nelson - 03/22/99 12:35:07
My Email:jodidancer@webtv.net
How did you find my page?: you sent it
Your favorite cartoon character:: bugs bunny
How many jumps? (for those who jump):: none. Want to, though
Where are you from: Iowa

Cool graphics! Love the wolf!

Claude - 11/01/98 21:01:53
My Email:aklose@rocketmail.com
How did you find my page?: by chance..
Your favorite cartoon character:: the lone wolf dingo
How many jumps? (for those who jump):: one
Where are you from: switzerland

nice to have met you, crazy american.

Loober Barthel-Rosa - 10/31/98 04:07:17
My Email:you.already.have.it@anti.spam.com
How did you find my page?: I work with you
Your favorite cartoon character:: Homer Simpson
How many jumps? (for those who jump):: unfortunately ZERO
Where are you from: the milky way Galaxy

Big Wayne!! You Da' MAN, you da' man! I'll never forget: "Your suffering will be legendary, even in HELL"

Some Postdoc - 10/31/98 00:43:47
My Email:dont.spam.me@biteme.com
How did you find my page?: I have my sources. We are watching you
Your favorite cartoon character:: Dirty Harry
How many jumps? (for those who jump):: When she tells me to
Where are you from: Mars.

Have you seen my rutabega ?

CRISTINA - 10/29/98 22:23:16
How did you find my page?: JOSE ME HABLO DE ELLA
Your favorite cartoon character:: MAZINGER Z
Where are you from: SPAIN


Jose Martin - 10/28/98 15:18:54
My Email:josmartin@earthlink.net
How did you find my page?: You told me, cabron
Your favorite cartoon character:: Silvester
How many jumps? (for those who jump):: Just one (in tandem)
Where are you from: Spain

Your suffering will be legendary even in the Hell...

Test - 10/26/98 00:48:16

Is this thing working?

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