Last Updated

20th July


  List of federations that have wrestlers involved
Nippon Pro
    Latest News   IWE
The committee       ICW
Allen Simmons   The tornament will start at the end of August. There will be participants from muliple federations involved. When the matches are writtain they will be posted on this site as well as the fantesy wrestling newsgroup and also by e-mail (if requested) any federations wanting to use the matches on their cards may do so, the matches will also be on Nippon Pro cards.

The tornament could well last for several weeks/months and is done by elimination so if you think you are truly the best preare could be here a while!

Mark Chadwick
Matt Padgett
Jacob Conner


For how the tornament is currently planned click here


Origional wrestlersin the Nippon Pro Invitational Cup
Handlers Wrestlers Federation
Miguel Nighthawk (or Eclipse ) NAWF
David Francis Scott 'Angel' Sloane GCW
Kevin The Adonis Nippon Pro
Richard Stephenson Enigma NAWF/WWA/IWE
James M Goulart Malachi CCW/Nippon Pro
Adam Taylor RIP The Zombie Nippon Pro
Fred Meabe Cyris ICW
Cesar Villalta Antonio Gambino IIW
violent j Matt Mallory NPW


Real wrestlers in the Nippon Pro Invitational Cup
Handlers Wrestlers Federation
William Freeman Van Hammer CCW/NipponPro