When I first thought of this idea I was
thinking of helping the newcomers to Nippon Pro, I soon realised
that the current roster could learn something and also newcomers
to e-wrestling.
I am not saying you have to read and
comply with this but if you want to win titles (and even matches)
in Nippon Pro then reading this will defiantly help you.
'I wanted to
be a part of a federation that has a good interaction with the
Role Players' Vice President Mark
A bit about Nippon Pro
We use real and original wrestlers. We use a
role-play board We write our own matches. The writers are:
be the MAN you got to role-play your ass off' President
What we like to see:
- Good quality role-plays, I am not
saying it has to be long, but it has to have a start,
middle and ending. It also helps to have good grammar and
spelling (although we understand that typing quickly does
cause mistakes).
- Good well constructed feuds/angles.
In other words build up feuds over time, don't have two
matches against someone and say that you deserve a world
title shot. For more information on angles vistit the
e-wrestling zone http://ewzone.virtualave.net
- Interaction with other handlers.
- You can meet on the out of
character message board, use ICQ, IM or e-mail. You might
form a stable or an alliance, or even set up feuds and
angles. Interaction with the staff.
- We don't know what you want your
wrestler(s) to do unless you tell us. We are happy to
help with any angles. We can help arrange matches, sort
out run-ins, have your guy use foreign objects etc.
- Writing you own ring entrances. We
write the matches, but we encourage you to write your own
entrance, that way you have more control over what
happens with the director of your character.
- You fill in as much of the
Application that is given to you after you join. To see
other peoples look at the roster page. This helps because
it lets the match writers what your wrestler can do.
- We like to see people getting
themselves into angles and feuds not just challenging the
champion, remember the champion got to be there by
getting into angles and feuds too.
- Describe the setting of the scene
where the RP is taking place, what are the fans doing,
how is everyone reacting, if you look at the current
heavyweight champion this is what they will be doing
that constantly job you for no other
reason than the committee of that fed owns all he winning
wrestlers, I
hate that.' President Allen
What we don't like to see
- Three line role-plays. Sure we
don't need long RPs, but we don't expect to see a small
paragraph. You can't get quality in three lines. Do this
and find your-self jobbed (losing matches).
- Using the RP board to post your
views. We have an out of character board for this.
- Posting messages on the RP board
out of Character referring to Role Playing, another
handler etc. Again we have an out of Character Board for
- USING CAPITALS. This is annoying
and VERY difficult to read
- Whatever you do, don't complain all
the time, this gets you nowhere, all that happens is the
staff get pissed off with the handler involved, if you do
have a problem in Nippon Pro, e-mail the president, or
vice-president and they will try and sort out the problem