Welcome to my Guestbook!

Uncle Tom - 11/22/00 18:29:53
My Email:tsritt@gwtc.net
Favorite NCAA basketball team: Duke
Favorite Athlete: Jason Ritterbush


April DeBoer - 10/26/00 15:13:10
My Email:lirpad@hotmail.com
Favorite NCAA basketball team: Nebraska

Hey Jason! Pretty cool page you got there.

Pam Koch - 08/10/00 22:29:48
My Email:pampianos@metallica.com
Favorite NCAA basketball team: Nebraska
Favorite Athlete: Jeremy Koch!


Steph Anderson - 03/16/00 02:48:28
My Email:sarahc6@prodigy.net
Favorite NCAA basketball team: Cincinnati

Hey Jason! I was browsing Cozad web pages and found yours! Cool! Do you remember when I used to make bets with you and Brandon Ross? Candy bars and pop. Take care.

Jerad Clark - 01/25/00 01:03:04
My Email:rdclark@ns.nque.com
Favorite NCAA basketball team: Do the Cowboys have a basketball team???
Favorite Athlete: Stone Cold Steve Austin -(Yes, he's an athlete.)

The Jason Ritterbush web site has worked wonders for my life. Every since the web site first contacted me, I felt it deep. I think it was that same feeling that made me a fat kid. But with abs like these, can you think of any chicks that don't want me? Thank you Jason Ritterbush.... Sincerely, Jerad R. Clark A great athlete in the olden days...One of the greatest.

Adam Pedersen - 11/05/99 00:33:21
My Email:alp2072@nebrwesleyan.edu
Favorite NCAA basketball team: Cozad High School
Favorite Athlete: Jared Clark in the olden days..

At work, bored, I now I'm bored when i'm looking at Cozad web pages.

Kaysie - 07/27/99 07:57:57
My Email:Kaysie35@hotmail.com

Hey Jason what's up I just wnated to stop by and say hi

colten mast - 06/09/99 17:04:21
My Email:c69@studentcenter.org
Favorite NCAA basketball team: Nebraska
Your Idle: jason Ritterbush


Stacy - 05/28/99 06:06:39


Beth - 05/21/99 02:45:28
My URL:shaw right...ME have a web page HAHAHA
My Email:crazymonkey35@hotmail.com
Favorite NCAA basketball team: Um, what's NCAA?
Your Idle: Garth Brooks all the way :o)

Huh...well at first glance there are a little too many sports related items...but besides that it's excellente! This is really silly I know, which is why I hate signing guest books but whatever man...

your biggest fan - 04/15/99 04:40:29
Favorite NCAA basketball team: what?

Love your page, keep adding to it. TML

Lindsay Erickson - 04/10/99 21:41:29
My Email:lindsay_elyse@hotmail.com

Hey Jason, you probably have no clue who I am. Well i'm lindsay erickson, dave and cathys daughter. We lived in Cozad like 7 years ago. Your parents probably remember mine. I was just brosing on the cozad page and came across yours. I think its great !! Hope to hear back from you.

a.j. alberts - 04/10/99 17:12:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ne/ccx
My Email:cn793@nque.com
Favorite NCAA basketball team: none
Your Idle: none

just surfing around

Shawn Darling - 04/03/99 21:26:22
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Amphitheatre/9845/index.html
My Email:shawn@nque.com
Favorite NCAA basketball team: None
Your Idle: ME

Cozad Is Boring I Agree!!!!

MagicWand(Laura) - 03/26/99 04:57:31
My Email:auln10@hotmail.com
Favorite NCAA basketball team: ??????????
Your Idle: ?????????

pretty cool

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