Friday, June 24, 2005
I'm in a better mindset. Love Dundee-Crown. Hoping for a great season there but I have to get back into the ring and make that show of a life time. I lost about 70 pounds and am truly in the best shape of my life. Now I want to prove it.
Will be in Columbus for Origins and probably back in St. Louis soon for R and R
June 8, 2005
I guess its time for an update. As of today, I'll be coaching football at Dundee-Crown High School in Carpentersville, Illinois. It will be interesting to say the least but it is a challenge that I welcome.
Well, Well, Well. How things have come full circle. I started school in 98 to major in Education and coach collegiately but I was told by many people that that was just a dream. Well now I am back on the dreamers path so to speak. It is funny that with all the moves in life now I am back at the starting point with a clearer head and an able body.
I backed off the wrestling at the current moment just because simply there is too much politics in Chicago to get bookings. I am not in one particular camp to make enough headway to make things happen the way they need to happen. That is a shame because out of the old WXCW crew there is only me, Kory, Mike and Holly making moves at this point and I am in the more visible area.
I am totalliy into the ECW One Night Stand pay per view. Just to see Balls, Axl and the Sandman on Raw was a true treat. I am one of those fans who hope that ECW retrurns somehow but who knows.
It goes to show that I am still the only superstar that matters in the ring or out. there is none better than the only superstar that matters…Simon Phoenix better known as Jaxson Rex also known as the Undeniable JD Sharp.
Words of Note
Days in my life and relevant news
Wrestling News
The Kennedy kick of death hurts.
Fraternity News
No news at the moment. Pondering the ramifications of operating once again as an active member but not fully throwing myself into it at the moment.Conclave is coming up in Columbus and I am probably going at this point...would love some company..hint Kao.
Coaching News
Looking to get ahead of the Game at Dundee Crown at the moment. In the process of joining the AFCA soon as well.
Business News
A couple of projects in early development...nothing more...yet
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