[22.04] Cat High SYF
[08.05] NTU checkup!

[13.05] ORD



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Visit HK with NYPCO
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, take JLPT
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watch Mayday concert


Sui Generis  

27th Apr
i've a sudden vested interest in support Mayawati for the win in the Indian election. she's a Dalit... a caste which is outside of the typical caste system, lolx, ala outcast. means the dalits are worst than the pariahs! the dalits do jobs like cleaning feces in the public toilets, carrying dead bodies, prostitutes... i watch all these from a series called The Untouchables... becos nobody else in the other castes would touch them. The dalits are traditionally not allowed to enter temples, schools etc. even though caste discriminated is illegal in India, it is still practised widely in rural India which is still a pretty large population. with the meagre sums that they earn, it is difficult for them to move upwards into another caste. when somebody from a higher caste marries a Dalit, he or she becomes a Dalit also. In the episodes, the prostitutes who give birth to baby girls, they will grow up to be prostitutes as well, no other choice.
However, while this is all illegal, there is a light of hope. the help for the OBCs (other backward castes) where they set quotas for people in the OBCs to receive education and a chance to get out of poverty and illiteracy. mayawati is one such example where she studied college and enter politics to becomes the chief minister for Uttar Pradesh, the biggest state in India. now she wants to be the PM of india... jus like Obama being the first black american president. we shall see, the month long election campaign in India, the world's biggest democracy with a huge number of polling stations and massive turnout... can manmoham singh continue to be the PM? we shall see...
Now turning the spotlight to another women but locally... the cat fight in Aware is nothing short of dramatic. the amazing thing is, lesbianism and homosexuality became the main point of contention for the New guards to stage a coup and take over the whole organization. such a civil society seems to have morphed into a cut-throat private enterprise with the office politics. the other disturbing thing is how these new guards seems to come from the same church and are anti-homosexuality. conservative christians taking over a women's association. dude, it's a women's association, not a conservative christian women's association! dealing with domestic abuse, women's rights and other things are most of the major issues. lesbianism is just a small part of it and Aware should not even be taking a side in the first place i think.

oh n it reminded me of something... Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is gay too! lolx.
25th Apr
Last year this time was the Mayday Back to Earth concert, a day which defined a lot of my life and thinking. The year had been painfully slow and seemingly a perpetual darkness. 17 more days and i'm out of the organization and I guess it's simply a sense of relief rather than joy, that it's gonna be over. Life has been exciting and dramatic nonetheless, as expected of me. Hong Hong Lie Lie~ i can really write an autobiography one day. im not gonna to summarise the whole two years yet, wait till it's over but i jus wanna keep a record of how this day goes in my life till i forget about it, which is almost impossible. we shall see.
Anyway i went to eat Ben & Jerry... my favorite flavor chunky monkey~ which is banana but very rich in taste and cream. Tried phish food which is chocolate and marshmellow, nice! I missed it on B&J day cos the queue was sooooo freaking long at Novena and by the time I reached there, it was 6.40pm and they wouldn't allow anyone else to join in the queue. arghz. so i failed the driving test on wednesday~ i ate it on thursday so i passed my 2nd driving test yesterday, see! the power of Ben & Jerry... come convert to become a fan today! i shall not complain about the terrible tester who gave me such a shock yesterday making me thought that i failed. arghz. nevertheless glad that i passed.
So i was on the way to ECP for a bbq when i received an sms telling me that I've been successful thus far for the psc application. meaning i passed the psychometric test - SHOCK~ i remember that i left so many questions blank, especially the math component. As for the English one, some passages i had no idea what it was trying to say, only the reasoning one was okay. I think most likely is the reasoning test that helped me pass. still im very surprised that i made it thus far, i almost didn't want to submit my supporting documents! lolx. cos it says 10 days after my online application but i submitted it 3 months after it. LOL! i attended the SNCF interview which is a small association that helps to build up businesses and the interviewers were friendly and although i said some wrong things, like 'you guys' o.0 but generally i think my interview skills are getting better and better. now i know what they look out for and i try to convince them that i am suitable for that job or person that they are looking for. So hopefully i can get one, even tho the chance is 0.0001%, so that i can kiao ka at home for the next three months, haha.
Went over to Syaz place and looked through the Firewire photos from poly days, omg so freaking funny lah the things we did in school last time and all our hair and looks. and we looked through some of the videos and projects that we did, omg especially the first canon video it was SO rookie noobish, the sound visual quality script of it all. i even acted as a carefare in that first production as a flier giver, just give fliers on the road. hahaha, so stupid! even the final indebted, how did i ever write such a line "What I owe you is what i never taught you!" lolx. so corny!!! we really spent a few hours going through all the photos from year 1 till the recent ones. really enjoyable. Then we played Twister which kelly brought and omgz it was sooo hard and me and teckie were fighting to the extreme and twisting our limbs around but i still won, haha. then round 2, teckie became the game master and tortured the others by picking difficult colors and spots and ultimately maxine won. a lot of unglam photos were taken, will upload it soon. poor gon gon is not around to join us.
19th Apr
I'm so freaking tired after the psychometric test and all the driving. It consisted of a reasoning test which is spot the pattern kind. They give you some shapes and let you guess the next shape, so there's some pattern to it. it was okay but there was not enough time to finish, some questions were so hard I had to take a few minutes, haix. The math and english very difficult lo, English is GMAT standard... i should have practised more gmat last time lah, Gmat is the entrance test for MBA courses in america, kinda like the SAT test for college entrance... but Gmat is harder lah of course, Masters degree leh. if i can go Kellogg's school of management for masters at chicago illinois, will be so kool lahz. that's as good as going harvard~! k im daydreaming again.
Was so tired that while taking the bus back, i was suppose to change to 168 but i forgot cos i totally blanked out. then missed the bus stop, had to walk and backtrack one bus stop and take 168, on the bus i even slept! luckily didn't miss my stop, woke up just in time. then I slept at 9.30pm, tiring siaZ! brain dead.
today went for jap class, there were only like 7 of us, so the class abit quieter than usual. sensei was saying about how she order coffee in malay "Kopi kosong" etc and she asked why is it all in malay. We were abit stunned then explained that last time we were 'friends' with Malaysia and most people speak malay, haha. Then I told her why market is called pasar and what pasar malam means - night market. Then she told us about the movie Handsome Suit where she said some singaporeans couldn't understand some of the japanese jokes, but the japanese were laughing... hmm. from what angeline say, the movie like very boring.
went to arcade with joyce and angeline at Jubilee, it's like my fav arcade cos its cheap and less noisy and less crowded, in fact sometimes there's very very few people. haha. the DDR machine is like 80c for 1 credit and you can play 2 person o.0! really! joyce and i dance until we almost want to puke cos we just had dinner, haha. 5 songs leh!!! alot lo, haha, for 80c very worth it. i played time crisis 4 also, nice! after that we went to amk hub to pei james eat mos burger and sat there until very late. sophia joined us also. Angeline told us about a taxpayer who went to enquire about her lottery winnings. she won 2nd price $78 000!!! and then showed her the check and asked if she have to pay tax for the winnings. no need la, singapore pools already deduct the tax le. then she asked it in a very secretive manner even though there's nobody around them, haha. scared ppl will know liddat. funny lo.
im gonna miss Ben N Jerry day on 21st apr which is a tuesday. im gonna miss SYF, pls jia you do the best! gong jiao ooi! i miss that cheer. im tired...zzz.
16th Apr
<The Sun> is killing me, the speed omg, i practised so many times le still cannot catch up sia, my guan part. Wu Ding... F diao guan I'm gonna play, the stupid 'B' note always flat! arghz, instrument design problem. i wonder where is david's F diao jia jian. haix... anyway i was watching youtube and i saw Sunny and Yu Jia lao shi's duet ... bumble bee... my jaw dropped! omg
Tomorrow I'm going for PSC scholarship psychometric assessment ... this is call Tang Bi Dang Ju... the cockroach try to block the chariot. in other words... bu zhi liang li~ haha. go there dian di... i must be mad... in the first place i shldn't even get this call cos i never send in the supporting documents 10 days after online application as stated. i sent in 2 months late!!! lolx. i did my online application in January, then the supporting documents I march den send in, lolx. suan le, mablerine and jeremy says i shld jus go see see look look experience. afterall i already kena rejected by SPH le, this one is perfectly normal that i get rejected.
ok im gonna type random things le so pls bear with me and try to read on k. been doing a lot of quizes on face book which is quite lame. I happen to be a Zhong Ruan when I quiz about what CO instrument am I... somehow never seems to get suona. i wonder why, haha. next tuesday is Ben & Jerry day which im gonna miss cos i'll be driving the stupid jeep doing test. maybe i shld bribe the tester by driving to downtown east, haha. oh and i just saw the ad for Angels&Demons race, something similar to the Da Vinci Code race which bi feng and I did few years ago and we were third... we were only about 10 minutes behind the winning team, my fault lah, my math cmi cannot calculate in time wasted so much time... or else we would have flown to paris! ok this time i must try to win and go Rome. hehe. i wanna travel so badly. ok who doesn't. i wanna look at aurora borealis (this one up there... the big big picture on the top of my blog) i finally had time to revise my jap today, thankfully. oh and pls dun eat the Heeren shokudo... super cmi lah, smaller and lousier in quality compare to the city hall de.
n some of my comments abt international news. pray for thailand... i really want them to gain peace asap, i miss the mak boon kruung! and platinum! and i really think america and un should just ignore N korea and its crazy antics... if nobody bother with it, den it shld realise that it trying to play such lame cry-baby tactics is time wasting. i hope american can finally figure a way out with mogadishnu and the pirates off somalia coast. ok tts all, gtg zzz le.
10th Apr
I'm Alex Shieh and I am a shopaholic!
The 5 signs to proof that I'm a shopaholic:
5. I absolutely have no necessary for so many clothes cos I'm in NS.
4. But I give the excuse that i'll need them for uni, prepare for uni so next time dun hav to buy so many.
3. But I know i'll continue to buy each time I wanna shop, especially overseas! i'll have a regret if i dun buy it cos i'll not come again!
2. Sense of regret and sadness after buying cos i dun need to spend and I haven even wore some of the shirts i last bought, budden i spend again!
and yesterday I was walking in Tampines Mall with firewire and we past by this push cart that sells cardigan jackets at $19 very cheap design! syaz eve and kelly were acting as the mannequins, telling me to buy! haha. and i was saying "noo... i can't look at it! there is no need for another jacket, i have 17!" still i went to see and touch it, very thin!!! arghz den i pull myself away. even though there's a side of me that says, "20 jackets is a nicer number than 17!" It's perfectly okay for girls to have 30 pair of shoes but it's a no no for guys to have 17 jackets! ok even though some are my brother's and we share... most of it are mine. and i've influenced my brother to buy jackets liaoz.
Went to uniqlo yesterday after queueing like 30 minutes just to enter the shop. Utter madness~! so many people lah, kelly eve zicheng justin all bought clothes except for me cos the MEGA MAN tshirt is not out yet! sadded. tired rite now, tmr den continue.
9th Apr
OKAY I lost the post yesterday so i have to retype everything again.

Quite obvious which is me rite, haha. That was primary 5 music day even though I have no recollection of it at all, i remember more of the Talent Time where our class sang As long you love me by Backstreet Boys. i used to be prefect but i always late haha. den the gate prefect wont book my name. corrupted! haha. then i hate doing staircase duty cos just stand there and catch people returning to recess late -.- ! prefect on certain days have to wear white shorts, like raffles boy liddat. i prefer my white and blue combination.
I primary 2 jiu join band le, kena conned de cos they say wanna go australia and i wanna have the opportunity to travel... i dunno why... even though i was only 7 years old that time! never got to travel until secondary sch band... they cheat me, haha. but i had really really great time at primary school band, performance at alot of places. i spent the first 9 months learning theory, drawing treble clef, learning how to open the stand. then finally play the trumpet very fun, first time joining the combine band was to play Without You and Heal the world Michael Jackson. during band prac on sat, we'd have sectionals where we literally sit by the drain. I luv big fun in the sun and That thing you do, have hand movement and dance movement, very fun. our syf we got silver, quite sad hor. during sectionals we'd sit by the drain and prac, literally! haha. then during break we'd play rounders, something like baseball but instead of batting, we kick the ball to fly high high, then run around to 'bases'.
left boon keng primary at the end of primary 5, to woodlands. BKPS was jus directly beside my house, dun even need to cross road (and im still LATE in the morning, haha!) after band prac we'd go my house to play playstation like Resident Evil 2~! scary. or Chor Dai Dee~! haha gambler since young k. i like my primary school teachers a lot, taught me a lot a lot of things. so suddenly added a lot of contacts on facebook and msn, all my primary school friends. this girl billie confessed that she once tore up my book and made me angry and cry... of which i have NO recollection. and she still remembers.
5th Apr
I walk past Kaki Bukit Prison school everyday. It's a very small place with only 2 blocks, really shaped like changi prison kind and at 7am each morning it'll play the national anthemn. Interesting place... i never seen anyone in there but also because i cant see anything inside except the 4th or 5th level because its above the fences. ok i know this is really weird but yah, there happens to be such a place in sg.
had this computer lesson in camp, watch some safety driving video. and the computers are iMac~! the very antique 12 yr old imac that comes in various colors and i learnt mac using it 10 yrs ago in primary school. the first time using mac was the imac. OS9 lah still ok but omg, so nostalgic manz. a whole room of imac. i soooo want to carry one home. i remember last time imac, dun hav eject button de... in order to eject u muz drag the icon from the desktop into the trash. now it's gotten a lot more like windows... ok la it learns all the good things. i read on macrumours that the apple netbook may be coming out at about$300 price. very attractive hor.
went for jap class. alot of us are talking about JLPT le... hmm... if i go NTU and study, it'll be more competitive and stressful and less fun. i'll miss them and my sensei. but at least i can save $500. and doing it at NTU probably can polish my jap much much better in order to prepare for jlpt.  ahh shall see how. anyway sensei was telling us about how her electricity at home got cut. bathing, hot water becomes cold water. then all the beef and cheese she bought in the morning, put in the fridge... she says "Sayonara!" lolx... then we were learning about "What do you do before going on a holiday trip?" using the word Before. so one of the student answered toiletries... my sensei couldn't understand and said "toilet TREES?" haha.
NOTE! Do not go to those uncle aunty shop to cut hair when it's weekdays 4.30pm-5.30pm and weekends 7pm onwards, they will be too kan cheong to watch the taiwanese drama like Yi nan wang or Ai and cut the hair sooo fast and brisk that sometimes it's painful. haixx thankfully this is the last time im gonna cut my hair there, not gonna keep such short hair lo. haha.
After class went to Woodlands Civic Ctr to watch SCO perform for the community, first song was Han Tian Lei. It was pretty cool cos they played it well, old people like it loh. then they also played this hip hop orchard where Jin lao shi played the suona, really pro sia. tho it sounds nothing like orchard, haha. they played Rock 2002 also... i'm still used to David's solo lah. sounds funny funny when i hear a different version. then they have this singer who sang cai chun jia song but in R&B style -.- really haix, den she played Sai Ma o.0 also is hun pian people lah, promote her EP that is coming out soon.
then Joyce Angeline and i went to eat Gelare where we biatch about A levels cos joyce says she wanna go take A lvls and take dentistry. o.0 i think even if i study 3 years of JC also cannot get in NUS dentistry, its very very hard to get in lo. then she told us about her students haha, big big hole in their teeth. never brush properly, haha. i know my wisdom teeth are not in the proper position and may cause pain... but so far okay leh.
2nd Apr
ahhh freaking tired! 4 hours of driving in the SAME circuit, is so boring and brain destroying!
it's a new month. days are passing by so slowly but at least im stay out... wake up everyday at 5.30 and walk out of house at 6. hopefully i dun have 8am class at NTU, so freaking freaking far. i haven go already dreading the distance. hopefully can get my ezlink card quickly so i can get concession, now everyday take 4 trips of buses at least, really very very ex sia.
didn't really have time to do my jap homework, oh no. im very tempted to continue at NTU so i dun hav to pay ikoma which is really expensive. another worrying thing is - what am i going to do from may to aug? wanna find work but i dun want those brain killing or brain rotting ones like data entry. really very boring especially if nobody to talk to. but i need money to buy another macbook and other things to start school.
my neighbours' house a lot of visitors cos they're going to move house and so a lot of home buyers. MANJA!!! ahhhh im so sad. i hope they dun move so soon, yesterday it PMS and dun want to play with me after a while. play play ok ok den suddenly just sit there n ignore me... if it's not PMS den is what? today i bathe le, dun wan play with it le, and im super duper tired also.

Daryl Lim


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Mr. Wang

Sam Lim
Dan Poh



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