New Sheriff in town. Dawg wins MBM!!!

Rod (BD) Riffe defeated Derrick Felts in March to win the 19th Myrtle Beach Masters. For the second year in a row Doubs played into the finals only to meat the Big Dawg. Patsy, Al. Rick, Dennis, John and myself were along for the ride. Patsy won the bad luck award as he broke his hand competing on Thursday.

Congrats Rod.

Pictures from the 2003 Junior League state baseball tournaments

MBM 2005 pictures

MBM 2003 pictures

Nothing fancy here on the site. Just a place that I mess around with and involve some of my interests----(Sports, Music, Entertainment and ofcourse-family.).

MUSIC??? After I saw an article in Rolling Stone about 25 yrs. ago about the top 100 albums of all time , I decided to compile my own list. From over 700 lps and a couple hundred CD's I gave it a lot of thought and analysis and came up with my top 100. Below I have listed the top 10. Check it out and let me know what you think.

This is officially the site for a chapter of the Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club (TAGSRWC)
See the certificate
.This is also the site to find out about The Myrtle Beach Masters (MBM), the prestigious annual golf tournament played every spring at Myrtle Beach.S.C. The dates and courses for 2005 will be decided before you know it. There are still a couple of slots open if you're interested. A few pics from the previous events are below.

Click to see a list of past Masters Champs

Every week or so I will have a couple of trivia questions for you to work on. Check them out.


1>>>>>>Why should Barney give up his motorcycle? To whom does it belong? 2>>>>>>Who QB'd the team Doug Flutie beat with his college hail mary? 3>>>>>>What was Sammy Hagar's first band? Bonus------which makes you sicker? MTV or J104.5? For you non-locals, J104 is the local FM station that plays about 6 different songs all day.

Trivia "winners"

Malcolm and "Big" Ben have come through with some answers. Way to go guys. Thanks for the visits and the interest guys. New questions will be up as the hits to my site increase.

Thanks for coming by. Oh , if anyone can stump me with an Andy Griffith trivia question (or answer mine), I'll post your name.

Sign my guest book below and let me know what you think. Thanks, Ace

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