T.Buzzard's References and Good Traders
The following traders are those with whom I have experienced successful trades, sales or buys. I have found them to be honest and would not hesitate to trade with them again. If you do not find what you are looking for on this site, feel free to contact these collectors for your baseball card needs. These traders will be eager to hear from you. Be sure to tell them you saw their name on this site. This listing is also to be considered as my list of references. If you are considering a trade of large value, feel free to contact anyone on the list below regarding my honesty.
Good Traders Hall of Fame
I have had exceptionally good experiences and multiple deals with the following list of traders. I have found them to be both fair and honest. There will be many good traders listed on this site, but only a select few will make the Hall of Fame list.
Michael Dugan
Michael is an avid collector. Among his interests are Bowman, Bowman Chrome and Topps Chrome. I have lost count of all the trades I have made with Michael. If you deal with him, you will be glad you did. He is by far my favorite person to trade with. Click here to send him some e-mail. Michael Dugan
Martin Mashon
Martin collects the Fleer products, like Ultra and Traditions. I have had several trades with him. Martin is a Tony Gwynn fan. He is also quite a computer whiz, or so it appears from his web site. Check it out. Martin Mashon's Home Page
You can send e-mail to Martin by clicking here. Martin Mashon
Vern Gorman
I first met Vern online when he responded to questions I had about selling and trading on the net, which I posted to a newsgroup. He was the one who helped me get started, and I owe much of the success and countless hours of enjoyment I have had with this hobby to him. Thanks Vern. Vern collects Fleer, Topps, Donruss, and Collectors Choice. He is always looking for oddball stuff and Carlton Fisk cards. He has a really cool website and has huge trader lists that are light years ahead of mine. Check out his site by clicking here. Vern Goman's Home Page You can also send e-mail to vern by clicking here. Vern Gorman.
Other Good Traders
Listed below are good traders. If you see your name here and you would like to have a profile added regarding your favorite card brand, team or player, just let me know. You can send me an e-mail by clicking here. Jeff Hankins
Steve Bohnenblust steveblust@aol.com
Jeff Hildebrand hildebra@math.wisc.edu
Galen Schoenfuss gschoenf@mail.tznet
Brad Wysocki wysocki@coredcs.com Visit his web page. Brad Wysocki's Home Page
Mike Gugenheim slowhand@pop3.0p9.com Visit his web site Mike Gugenhiem"s Home Page
Don Martin smartin@redrose.net Don Collects Bowman's Best. He is looking for refractors and Atomic refractors.
Mike Bouchard gators1995@hotmail.com
Matthew Price bravsoon@aol.com
Barry Shockley barshock@carriage.chesco.com
Randy Cicale upln32a@prodigy.com Visit his web site Glenmore Collectables
Jeff Dimemmo jd-ultraman@webtv.net Jeff collects Fleer Ultra cards. Visit his web site. Ultraman's Home Page
Jeff Hermsmeyer hermsjj@aol.com
Jeff Martel grandslam@msn.com Jeff is a big collector with much to offer.
James Surles saintfan@mindspring.com
Jon A. Stiner stinerja@aol.com
Ron Brown & Gary Kincer burrbaby@earthlink.net
David Easterly ftutreas@interpath.com
Arnold Kucinski raistlin@mail.airmail.net
Ben Dietz bhurt35@webtv.net
Stan Glodack Jr. stan91419@aol.com
John Lamar lamar@intplsrv.net
Tony Leonardi asleonar@cc.ysu.edu
David Tillison ill@internettport.net
Jay Goldklang jeg1121@aol.com
Carmine Rusotti carcards@aol.com
Jeff Noice noicejeff@aol.com
Greg Carter gcom@tir.com
Roger White randlwhite@aol.com
Tim ??? ilvmysons@aol.com
Joe Levitch levitcj@towers.com
Chuck Moore chuckmoore@warpgate.com
Tom Schomaker schomaker3@worldnet.att.net
Ed Stanley estanley@iclub.org
Ed Seale seale@mail.cvn.net
Mike Underwood dog120af@aol.com
John Barnickel camdncards@aol.com
Tom Powers tmpxxjtp@fbtc.net
Ron Swinkels knrswink@ccnet.com
Darin Gibson darin_gibson@umanitoba.ca
Andrew Kaiser akais@aol.com
Tim Wadke tim12345@aol.com
Michael ???? sirius@smart.net
Dave ???? sjrisbest@aol.com
Gary Anderson garul@aol.com
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