Thanks for visiting my web site. I hope you will return often and inform your fellow card hobbyists of this site. I appreciate your input for improvements to the site. I will be establishing a network of traders here in addition to listing my
substantial want lists. I will also be listing cards that I have available for trade. I am also willing to sell if you do not have any of the cards to offer from my want list. Thanks again for stopping by and happy hunting. God Bless you.
Joe Ashlock - 10/20/98 03:24:28
Favorite Baseball Team: Seattle Mariners
Favorite Player: Edgar Martinez
Do you collect cards for Money, Fun or a little of both?: Relaxation
Are you interested in becoming part of a traders network?: Yes
I'm a team collector. Since I can't collect every set of cards -- I've narrowed my hobby down to collecting primarily Mariners (which can also be expensive). I have "tons" of cards from other teams I'd like to trade for Mariners.
Tim - 10/16/98 06:23:05
My Email:ilvmysons
Favorite Baseball Team: Mariners
Favorite Player: Ken Griffey Jr
Favorite Card Company: Fleer
Do you collect cards for Money, Fun or a little of both?: Fun for my sons and I
Are you interested in becoming part of a traders network?: Undecided-Need Input
Great Web Page. Will be back!!! Thanks, Tim
Mike Gugenheim - 10/03/98 16:37:47
Favorite Baseball Team: Red Sox
Favorite Player: Roger Clemens, Nomar, Yaz
Favorite Card Company: Topps, UD
Do you collect cards for Money, Fun or a little of both?: Fun, though it helps occasionally to sell some... more money to buy more cards.
Jeff, nice setup... easy to navigate and find cards you need and I want. I also have wantlists and tradelists posted at my webpage and always looking to trade!
Ray McGill - 09/13/98 21:10:14
Favorite Baseball Team: Mariners
Favorite Player: Junior
Favorite Card Company: Topps/Bowman
Do you collect cards for Money, Fun or a little of both?: yes
I am a big Griffey collector. I currently have around 500 Different cards of Junior. I am always looking to TRADE to increase my collection.
Eddie Nations - 06/25/98 23:57:16
Favorite Baseball Team: Braves
Favorite Player: Maddux
Favorite Card Company: Fleer
Do you collect cards for Money, Fun or a little of both?: Both
Are you interested in becoming part of a traders network?: Yes