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Extra Battlestar Galactica Movie page


On this extra BSG movie page....i`ll will put up the extra Battlestar Galactica projects...this first week i have the last parts of a Battlestar galactica animation.called the Battlestar galactica a 20 year odyssey. A lot of people had missed this week a rerun of parts 4+5 of that animation

bsgodyssey4.jpg (9284 bytes)bsgodyssey5.jpg (7385 bytes)

part 4 is 3.0 Mb big and part 5 is 3.8 Mb on the images her above for download


Movie clip  Battlestar galactica epsiode "the young Lords"


wrong.jpg (12567 bytes)

3.4 Mb big


dutchbsg.gif (8384 bytes) you can see more of mine Galactica websites when you start here

this page was made on August 30 1999 and it will be updated are vistor nrthanks for stopping to watch your share of Battlestar Galactica.....