On this page you can find some Battlestar Galactica HOMEMADE MP3 sounds wich i`ve made with a mindiskplayer...
I hope to update this BSG MP3 sound page every 2
weeks with more and new MP3 sounds. these MP3 sounds come from diferent battlestar
Galactica epsiodes.If you are looking for a special galactica MP3 sound...you can give me
a email. just click on the pulsar to download the BSG MP3 sounds
download now Original Battlestar Galactica epiode theme ( only site on the
web who has this) 680 Kb big
Sheba are you alright!
Galactica patrol this is capt Apollo
Launchbay alfa standby to launch figterprobe
Vipers omega 7
The imperial leader has landed
Recon viper 1 launch when ready
LT starbuck report to battlestar galactica
I have trouble with this scanner
Blue squadron patrol disinge your attack
Commander long range scan
Bridge col tight lauch patrol
The name is starbuck
Hot pilot doesn`t need that felberkarb
we look prescious
Short range bacon on and fuctioning recon viper one
This page will be updated with more BSG MP3 sound clips.perhaps with yours...this website has been made on March 30 1999.last update was made on june 17 1999...just click on the back button for another of mine BSG websites.
If you like to hear your own Battlestar Galactica
you were vistor nrthanks for stopping bye.