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Johor Soft Tennis Association ( JOSTA )

The pioneer players from Johor

The Formation Of Johor Soft Tennis Association ( Josta )

As soft tennis has found her enthusiasts among the school boys and girls, it was felt that it
would be better if there is a soft tennis organization to help to run the sport. The Johor Soft Tennis Association was immediately formed at the Segamat District Office with Mr. Punijan Bin Sutarjo, the District Officer chairing the inaugural meeting on 31st, July 1994. Mr. Punijan Bin Sutarjo was elected as the first President of Josta. Mr. Md Yusof Bin Md Khalid, the
District Education Officer was elected as the Deputy President.  The following are the
line-up of Josta :

President                                            :    Mr. Punijan Bin Sutarjo
Deputy President                                :    Mr. Md Yusof Bin Md Khalid
Secretary                                            :    Mr. Bardin Bin Uteh
Treasurer                                            :    Miss Pee Siew Kein
Vice Chairman                                    :    Mr. Ng Teck Hong
Vice Chairman                                    :    Mr. Nasir Bin Janaro
Technical & Development Chairman    :    Mr. Ngo Ah Lek
Committee Members                           :    Mr. Zulkifli Bin Muhamat
                                                                Miss Chai Fee Mee
                                                                Miss Tan Siew Imm
                                                                Mr. Jais Bin Saadon (*)
                                                                Mr. See Kim Kiew

The two top posts of Josta are headed by two senior government officers in Segamat, namely
the Senior District Adminitrative Officer and the Chief Education Officer. Therefore, if any
of these two posts is vacated due to transfer, the incoming senior government officer will be
invited to head Josta.

Malaysia Coach Mr. Bardin Uteh shakes hand
with Mr. Paul J. Xanthos of USA in Gifu, Japan
before the men's matches in 1995.
With the formation of Josta, the 2nd Malaysia Soft Tennis Championships was organized by
the joint effort of Segamat Education Department and Segamat Country Club in 1994. The three bodies work closely to promote the development of soft tennis in Segamat as core centre and the rest of Johor for future development. Josta also works closely with the national
organisation STAM for home and away championships.
Malaysian players in Hanoi, 1997.
Mr. Ngo Ah Lek & daughter Ngo Ruey Mei            Hasnur Rizal Bin Hussin partnering
at Fukoka Airport, 1995.                                         Hussin Bin Ali ( right ) posed to the
                                                                                photographers before the match against
                                                                                the Indian counterparts.
* Mr. Jais Bin Saadon from Segamat had designed the Emblem of JOSTA.Thank you !


Introduction To Soft Tennis  /  Soft Tennis In Segamat  /  Soft Tennis In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Current And Old News Of Soft Tennis In Malaysia  Soft Tennis Association Of Malaysia ( STAM )