Welcome to the Software Softball League Home Page
(Last update - August 6, 1999 @ 6:30 PM)

Playoff Picture Update

Going into tonight's pivotal game:
1) Lotus, Learning Co #1 and Learning Co #2 have all clinched playoff spots.
2) Lotus has clinched the top seed.
3) Venturcom, VGI and Instinctive are all alive for the last playoff spot.

1) If Venturcom beats Instinctive tonight, they clinch a playoff spot.
2) If Venturcom loses to Instinctive tonight, then:
2a) If Instinctive beats Torrent next Friday night, we have a 3 way tie for 4th, with all teams at 4 - 4. In head to head competition, each team would have a 1 - 1 record. Ack! We'll probably go to some sort of coin flip.
2b) If Instinctive loses to Torrent instead, then Venturcom and VGI would be tied at 4 - 4. Venturcom would then be in the playoffs by virtue of beating VGI head to head.

Game Schedule (Updated 7/22/99 - Rained out games rescheduled.)

Directions to Fields

League Rules

Contact Information (Updated 6/1/99 - New Lotus SD contacts)

1999 Standings

Team Won Lost %
Lotus 7 1 0.875
Learn Co #2 5 2 0.714
Learn Co #1 5 3 0.625
Venturcom 4 3 0.571
VGI 4 4 0.500
Instinctive 2 4 0.333
Lotus SD 2 5 0.286
Torrent 0 7 0.000

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