Sports Statistics Page
Russian - WIN
Russian - KOI
Other pages devoted to sports results and statistics
- Yahoo! Sports
- News. Very fast.
- PFL Official Site (in Russian)
- Only current Russian championship, unfortunately.
- Russian Football Union Official Site
- Russian Football (Oxana Smirnova)
- The most famous site about Russian football (i.e. soccer)
- International Soccer Server
- A lot of information from many countries.
- Yahoo! Sports: World Soccer
- Wild World of Soccer
- The Soccer STATISTICS Homepage (soccer results)
- Federation Internationale de Football Association
- FIFA is here. But where is UEFA? I don't know.
- FRANCE98 - World Cup - Official Site
- The RSSSF Archive
- The best soccer statistics site I've seen.
- European Cups Archive
- All results!
- International Football 1872-Present
- Covers the main turnaments in soccer's history.
- Soccer - The World Cup from 1930 - 1994
- All World Cups.
- European Club Soccer
Cross Country Skiing
- SKI World Cup
- Like many others official sites, it could be better.
- Cross country skiing - World Cup
- This site contains unique data and many broken links.
- World championships
- The Norwegian Skiweb
- Many links to Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish sites.
- MIC - Sportinformationssystem Skisprung
Formula 1
- Formula 1
- The best site on history. All races, all results.
- MNI: F1 index
- Very informative site..
- The F1 News Pages
- Current news.
- Steve G's Rankings and Results Page
- Men's Tennis Rankings and Results
- ATP Tour : Official Site
- French Open
- 1998 Australian Open
- ChessPlanet
- Good site, but too many images.
- NHL Official Site
- NBA Official Site
- FIBA Homepage
- International Biathlon Union
Olympic games
- the olympic movement
- Olympic statistics
- Only medals.
Link collections
- Russian Sport Pages (in Russian)
- Russophilia!
- Ratings and Rankings
- How to calculate ratings?
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