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Cal Ripken diving for the ball

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Cal Ripken Sr., whose contributions to the Baltimore Orioles extend well beyond fathering and tutoring one of the best players in the history of the franchise, died of lung cancer March 25, 1999. He was 63 years of age. Ripken spent 36 years in the Orioles organization as a player, scout, coach and manager. He also found time to raise a family that included future Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr., a star with the Orioles since 1982, and former major league infielder Bill Ripken, who also played in Baltimore. "We always talk about the Oriole Way. Cal Ripken Sr. was the one who indoctrinated every one of us who came in," said Baltimore manager Ray Miller, who served under Ripken as a pitching coach.

Cal Ripken Links

2131 The official Cal Ripken Jr. site. And the place where I get all of my information.

Cal Ripken one for the ages Great place I wish I would have known of it sooner.

Cal Ripken Regualy updated site, contains lots of info.

Sporting News Contains info on Cal and other players of all of the sports.

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Oriole's Pages

Oriole's Clubs A place to go to join one of the Oriole's Clubs.

Orioles pages A lot of links to different Orioles sites.

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