Hi and welcome to the music download section. I'm still working on this bad boy so don’t be surprised if you show up and nothing is here. Give me a break! You try working and going to school every day and let me know how much extra time YOU have on your hands! Anyways, as I mentioned before in my home page I’ve got a taste for music and although my CD collection is smaller than most, there are MANY songs that put me in different moods. For exaple, if I’m feeling like giving my self a headache, maybe I’ll throw in a little Marilyn Manson and do that Beavis and Butthead routine. Or if I’m feeling a bit mellower or just want to "vegitate" I’ll pop in some Sara Mcglaghlan. So you see I do extreams. But there are all sorts of bands that make me feel good in other ways and I’ve decided to let the world share those moods with me. While various genres of music effect me in one way, they may have a totally different impact on you; or in many cases they may pain your ear drums rather than soothe them. Therefore I have decided to group the following selections in alphabetical order by band and title and let you decide how each song makes you feel. Note that not all of the songs I have chosen are "radio-friendly", I’ve done my best to give you a broad selection. Well anyway, I’ll let you go now...Oh! By the way, all the music here has been uploaded in the popular MP3 format if you don't have a player and desperately need to hear my tunes don't fret, I've placed a few that I recomend on the page. Now...have a blast!
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