Well, let's startwith a little bit about myself. I'm a GORGEOUS looking (Only becaus Julie says so) 6'3" white male with shaved blonde hair (doesn't look bad). I'm now 21 years old and am about 100% Irish. Oh yeah, I turned 21 back in Ocober on the 25th, it's kina hard keeping this site up so if you're reading this and the math just don't look right, just remember: October 25th, 1979 is my birthday feel free to send e-cards to my e-mail address . You may or may not have seen me in such places such as yahoo or t@p online chatrooms. If you haven't, maybe ICQ? No? I started playing roller hockey at Marina Skate in Pittsburg, CA. I'm am no longer captain of the "Heroes" Copper team. The players started complaining because I was too good for them (I guess leading the league in scoring the first season and coming within a point of leading again in the third had something to do with it.) The Heroes were league champoins (Whoo Hoo!) 3 seasons in a row. After my departure from the team, the jersey's changed and so did the name. It's now safe to say that the Heroes were an unbeaten team. Haven't seen me? Oh well, your loss.
Well, anyways. I finished classes at the Silicon Valley College this April studying Network Systems Administration. There I recieved classes to prepare me for the A+, MCSE, and CCNA certifications. All of which will more than likely be on display at R-Computer in Pleasant Hill, California.
--P.S. I've got the A+ an just passed my first Microsoft exam. So now I'm an MCP too, aaand it's on to the other stuff!
Being extremely athletic, I love baskeball, football, golf, soccer, basically anything you can watch on tv, volleyball, and of course ROLLER HOCKEY, it's hard to hide my semi-muscular body. I take that back, used to be in shape but with the way my school/work schedule's been going, my physical activities have diminished. Look for the sexy body to be back sometime after April, cuz that's when I'll be out of school. But, Like the Barenaked Ladies, "I have a history of taking off my shirt."
This past summer, I found out this month that i've got bone spurring on my Acomium (for those of you who aren't medically savvy, it's part of your shoulder blade) fluid in my rotator cuff, and loose ligaments that are causing nerve inpingement on my right shoulder. Surgery took place 26 June of 2001. Everything went well (as you can see I'm still kicking enough to update this page) and after only 6 months of rehab I'm able to hop right back into my usual activities - Work and Hockey.
During my recovery, I wasn't able to play hockey for a whole season - but I coached the Heroes to a league championship. That's why I was only in the top 2 twice ;-)
Well, since I mentioned music, I'll have you know I love No Doubt and Sublime. Other Favorites include, Sara Mc Laughlan, Green Day, Aqua, and many many more. These artists and more can be found for purchase at CD Now.COM.
I'm also a dedicated Dalmation lover (as if you couldn't tell. Aaaaand
that's about all for now. Hope you enjoyed my BG info.
Hasta la pasta amigo. There's a lot of stuff to play
around with here and I'm constantly updating and fixing
bugs in this page so have fun. I've just added a new feature to the page and that is my download section. Right now it's full of my favorite songs so you can get a feel of what music makes me feel good. If you are experiencing problems, follow the Minuteman logo and let me know
what's up. You can also reach me there for any feedback,
complaints and suggestions you may have on how to make
this place truly "CoolsVille". Remember, everyone's entitled to their own opinion but if it isn't given, no one cares.
P.S. Don't forget to Leave your