Well, you've stumbled upon the section where I talk about myself, my friends and my family. I doubt that I'll be able to list everyone, or have a picture of everyone up here, but if you want your picture here, I can most definitely make it happen! Below, are pictures of family and friends. Most of the images are called "thumbnail images," so they take less time to load on your web browser. If you click on the images, you'll get a much larger picture! And now a little about me - and the people that I care about.
My name is Brady and I grew up in a little town in South East Pennsylvania. I work for the University of Pennsylvania Health System .
My two buddies from High School - Nick Flor and Chris Cruz - also keep in touch regularly.
Cruz and Nick both have web pages at GeoCities, so visit them often! Together, we form
The Phantom Four. The name is something shrouded in mystery that people starting calling us in High School, although I'm not exactly sure why.
Together, we play cards (poker, hearts, shoot-the-moon, skat), mah-johng, and PlayStation (mainly Soul Blade - quite possibly the best game created for the PlayStation!) We also goto Table Tennis together, and hang out eating pizza whenever we can, which really isn't that often, maybe once every few weeks. Since we've all taken on families of our own, and children of our own, that has been lowered to about 2 times a year!
My other friends include Jason and Jen Livingston who live near Pittsburgh, PA. Jason has recently abandoned his website! :( |
I've known Jason since 1991 - we met in Mack Data Center back at IUP and have been friends ever since. I met Jen in Alpha Phi Omega, the National Service Fraternity that we both were in. We don't get to visit with each other often, but when we do, we usually have a blast. Jennifer Toward and Jason Livingston were married on May 31, 1997 in a little town outside of Pittsburgh, PA. We all had a great time, and I had the honor to be one of the groomsmen! I'm the one on the very right! |
Other friends from IUP include Troy and Annie - two great friends from my college days. I've known Troy since 92 - he used to live in the same dormitory I did, and then for our last year of school, we roomed together! I met Ann Ryan back in 1992 as well, as she joined our co-ed service fraternity, and began to make waves immediately! *grin* Troy and Annie got married November 30, 1996, and I was the best Man! They split up after about 5 years of marriage, but are both still good friends with each other, and with me! |
Troy, Annie, Jason, Jen, and myself all went to Indiana University of Pennsylvania and we had a great time! The experience there was incredible, and of course, thats where we met our significant others, and got to know one another well. If you also went to IUP, make sure to check out the IUP Alumni Page, and also the Official IUP Alumni Site. I have also recently been in contact with Chuck Porter , and Matt Zinicola, so go check their pages out too!
My immediate family, parents and brother, live near Horsham, PA. I have other relatives who live in Massachussetts, New York, New Jersey, and Florida. Most of the family on my wife's side still lives near the Northeast part of PA close to Harvey's Lake.
Here's a fantastic shot of Aunt Judy, Uncle Nick, Nicky John, Kelly, and three of their children (Nicky, Joey and little Becky!) Man, don't they look cute in those little tuxes! I believe since this picture was taken, two more members were added to their family! I will have to ask for an updated picture! |
Here's a great picture of my brother and sister-in-law. Personally, I think they look pretty good together! My brother has been a great inspiration to me through the years, as we continue to stay in touch and make each other laugh, like only brothers can. Check out his web page too! Lots of great pictures! |
That's my parents on the left! They looked pretty happy the day I was married, for some odd reason. I guess they thought they were getting rid of me or something! We get to visit with them about once every other week or so, as I investigate Pop's new Weiss Devices and discover what new dogs Ma has found in the neighborhood! I think they did a great job raising my brother and I, and I love them dearly. |
I'm a pretty boring guy. I work during the day and try to relax during the nights. I graduated from The Chubb Institute with a Network Engineering and Data Communications Diploma at the end of 1998. I have my CNA currently (which stands for Certified Novell Administrator for those of you not Network-ly inclined).
Everyone needs a picture of themselves on their web page!
This is a picture of my brother and I when we were kids, dressed up for Halloween, and in front of our parent's home, probably around 1977. I think it was rather cold that year, we look all bundled up! |
Once again, I'm the cute one on the right!
Last, but certainly not least, here is a picture of my wife Jennifer and I on the left, circa 1995. If you click there, it will take you to my Jennifer Page.
If you click on the picture on the right, you'll goto my Kids Page, to see all 3 of my wonderful children!
Please check back often! As you've probably noticed, this isn't the best page to "load up quickly" because of the numerous photos, but you can't have a friends and family page without them!
<= 04 Oct 2004 =>

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