What is Aikido?

Aikido is a martial art which emphasizes a way of harmonizing with the energy of the Universe. It was founded by the Japanese martial arts master, Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) and is a gift from the Founder to us. An Aikidoist moves in reciprocal harmony with the movement of an opponent rather than in conflict, or competition, with it. Ideally, the structure of conflict is changed to a structure of harmony. Ideally, the conflict can be resolved without anyone getting hurt. There are two components to the structure of an attack: you and the attacker. If you realign your position in relation to the attacker, the structure of the attack will collapse and the attacker will fall. You cause the attack to change structure by co-operating with the attacker, but that does not mean acquiescing or giving up. You are moving reciprocally to the movement of the attacker, at the same time as the attacker. Co-operation in this sense means to move in unison with the attacker and command the center.


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"Ai" means harmony. "Ki" means energy of the universe. "Do" means way or path.

Harmony is the combination of elements, or sounds, into a consistent whole.

Energy is an entity rated as the most fundamental of all physical concepts and is usually regarded as the equivalent of or capacity for doing work. It is associated either with material bodies such as a coiled spring or having an existence independent of matter, as light or X rays moving through a vacuum. It's the inexorable movement from birth through life to death. It's the ocean currents, the wind, the orbiting of the planets.

The Universe is defined as the whole body of things and phenomena, the totality of material entities, including the entire celestial cosmos, the totality of the observed and postulated physical whole.

Harmonizing with the Energy of the Universe can be a complicated subject, or it can be as basic as maintaining your center. The key is to be aware of the fundamentals and practice constantly. You can follow the path of Aikido to attain this harmony or some other discipline such as Karate, Tai Chi, Yoga or Gardening, or one of many religions from Christianity to Hinduism to Buddhism. There are many paths, and martial arts is one of them. Among the martial arts, Aikido is an excellent path. Choose the way that suits your personality and interests.

Aikido is a very good system of self defense for smaller persons, because it relies more on foot work and technique than on physical strength. "Small" is a relative term, and in a given situation each of us will experience being small. Aikido is useful in daily life, as well, because the same principles can be used in verbal and nonverbal communication. In Aikido, you convert a pattern of conflict into a pattern of harmony.

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