Aikicommunications Last updated 12/12/2005
Takemusu Aikido Association
Takemusu Aikido
Association Dojo Directory
Uchideshi Program,
Program, Oakland Aikido Institute
of Silicon Valley
City Aikido, Richmond, Va.
California Aikido Association
Morihiro Saito's Aiki Ken and Jo on DVD
New Aiki Ken and Jo
DVDs from Hoa Newens Sensei, 6th Dan, Aikido Institute Davis
Iwama Visit
What is Aikido?
The Life of the
Dojo Etiquette
Training Rules
Posted at Iwama Dojo
Bill Witt
Builds the Bridge to Iwama
Key Terms
Structure of
Technique Names Common Phrases
Glossary of Aikido Terms
Another good glassary
Test Requirements
Kyu and Black
Belt Ranking System
Jo and Bokken Suburi
Riai - Combining Weapons
and Taijutsu
Kon Tiki
John Kang,
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in Richmond
Folding and
tying hakama
Zen Flute
Reynolds C.C. Aikido Syllabus
Attacks and Defenses
Ann Dew's Aikido Training Tea
Care and
maintenance of wooden weapons
from Narita Airport to Iwama
games for kids
Eastside's Practical Self-Defense Reading List
Tozando Co. Ltd.,
Bujin Design
Sei Do Kai Custom Made Jo's and
Zanshin Art Weapons bags and
Aikido Art
The Kyota Co.
2326 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
410-366-3540 (fax)
Dojo Links:
Aikido of Arlington,
Yvonne Thelwell
Aikido in
Fredericksburg, Aviv Goldsmith
Aikido of
Northern Virginia, Jim Sorrentino
Takemusu Aiki Dojo, East Coast Division, Gloucester City, NJ
City Aikido, San Francisco
Aikido Today
Bujin Newsletter |
Aiki Communications
The Website of Bryan Park Aikido, J.S. Reynolds Community
College Aikido Club and the Randolph-Macon College Aikido Club, all in the Richmond, Va.,
area. Affiliated with the Takemusu Aikido Association.
Tim Sheldon,
4th Dan, Chief Instructor and Web Editor. Assistant Instructors: Adrian Beard, Nidan, and
John Gentry, Shodan ... Brian Hill, Nidan, is chief instructor of River City Aikido, and Susan Moore, Shodan, is
Chief Instructor of Prince George Aikido ...
Morihei Ueshiba, Morihiro Saito, William Witt ...
here for practice schedule ...

In the News:
- Ardmore, Pa., 'Volunteer of the Week' Practices Aikido
- Marshall Univ. Aikido Club Trains Mind, Body
- Study:
Women Who Practice Karate, Aikido Are More Assertive, Less Hostile
- Brunei Aikido Federation to Hold Demo
- Aikido Can Create Hurricane-Proof Construction Design in Cayman Islands
- Abi Bown Earns Medals at Aikido World Championships in Katsuura, Japan
- For Stockton, Calif., Student, Aikido More Mature than Street Fighting
- Report: Aikido Can Help You Run Longer and More Efficiently
- 'Knowing Something Is Always Better than Nothing'
- 'My
Aikido Master Was a Buddhist Priest'
- Welsh Singer, Songwriter Stays Fit with Aikido
- 'The Purpose Is To Not Hurt Anyone,' Ohio Instructor Says
- Japanese Baseball Star Sadaharu Oh Used Aikido to Help his Swing
- Japanese
Visitors to Demonstrate Aikido in Davao City, Philippines
- Overcome Bullying through Calmness
- Aikido
Now in Brunei
- 'Out
for a Kill' is a Bad Move but Boasts More Aikido Moves than other Seagal Films
- Instructor Uses Aikido Training to Save Dojo
- Univ. of Maryland Students Studying 'Non-Aggressive' Fighting Tactics
- Aikido Compared with other Martial Arts at Chico State
- Aikido
Included in Fitness Program for Retirees
- Navy
Offering Aikido Classes in San Diego
- Bulgarian Aikido Student Starts New Comic Book
- Aikido
Director Inspires Bamboo Flute Concert in Holland, Ohio
- 4025
Yoga Owner In Richmond Stretches to Achieve, Includes Aikido
- Aikido
Black Belt Wins Publishing Award
- Witt
Shihan Quoted in S.F. Chronicle
- Chandler, Ariz., Teacher Finds Ideal Martial Art in Aikido
- Pascagoula
Man Secures Spiritual Well-Being through Aikido
- The
'Art of Peace' can now be Practiced in Narooma, Australia
- Tree
Planting Signifies 25 Years of Aikido in Chester, England
(Drawing top left, Bryan Park view by Susan Moore.
Photo at top right: Bill Witt Shihan demonstrates a technique at 1998 Seminar at Bryan
Park in Richmond.)
(Photo: Dave
Spangenthal demonstrates a kokyu nage technique with Gail Argenbright at a J.S. Reynolds
Community College practice.)
Training at J.S. Reynolds C.C.
The principle training site for Bryan Park
Aikido is the gym at J.S. Reynolds Community College, 1701 E. Parham Rd., between Woodman
and Brook roads. Chief Instructor Tim Sheldon teaches Aikido I and II on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings during the school year as part of Physical Education curriculum. See
calendar for specific times. Click here for syllabus.
Year-Round, All-Weather Outdoor Training
Bryan Park Aikido's outdoor,
all-weather Jo (wooden staff) and bokken (wooden sword) practices continue year-round. See
link to calendar above. The outdoor training includesTaijutsu practice, where the blending
movement is practiced without the fall.
There are also separate running suburi practices. We run a one-mile route through the
park, stopping at intervals to practice suburi, kumijo and kumitachi. We also do rolling,
downhill and uphill, at one point during the run.
The training site is Bryan
Park, near the intersection of Bryan Park and Westlake avenues.
Riai - In Aikido, the weapons
training is the same as the hand-to-hand training. The basic movement of kotegaeshi or
shihonage, for instance, can be done with or without the bokken. This interrelationship of
the weapons and hand-to-hand training is called Riai. O'Sensei conducted most of
his Riai training in Iwama. You can develop excellent strength and definition in
your Aikido techniques by practicing Riai, combining weapons and hand-to-hand
(Photo: Susan Moore, left, Brian Hill,
Adrian Beard and Gail Argenbright at Pat Hendricks Seminar in Charlottesville, April,
The Value of Morning Practice
"You practice early every morning. Why ?
"Master Ueshiba practiced early in the morning, Master Tsuda as well ; I continue to
practice early in the morning. That's the first reason. The second reason is that only
those who are very determined, very well motivated, come in the morning, because to be
here at this time, you must get up at around 5:30 AM. In the morning we are fresher than
at the end of the day and it's easier to practice non-doing, at least for
beginners. We are also more involuntary - still a bit half asleep, we are not
yet entirely into our social being that we use during the day, to encounter
others and go about our work : smile when we should, or not; say thank you,
etc. In the morning we arrive at the dojo still clean, not very structured yet, and there
is something more authentic there."
From an interview with Regis Soavi,
by Monica Rossi, Arti d'Oriente, February 1999
Discussing the teaching of Itsuo Tsuda (1914-1984)
Aikido Journal