Hey, thanks for visiting my web page. Let me know what ya think!

virginia - 05/15/99 23:52:53
My Email:babycobra1 @ aol.com

mary ur web site was so cool lol. but u need to put some resent pics of me though when i am much older

Leonard - 01/06/99 07:54:03
My Email:cisquo3@aol.com

i wish you'd quit messin around and send me your pic. :)

Nick - 11/26/98 05:55:22
My Email:NT1988@aol.com

Cool page..... good work..... good links....

SeanThe Roc - 11/20/98 06:35:27
My Email:www.SeanThe Roc.com

hi i think it is awsome i wish i could make one ok well bye

- 10/31/98 08:08:02


John - 10/18/98 07:11:50
My Email:TheMan@hotmail.com

Very cute web page, just like you! Hope things are better than last time we talked, give me a call when ya get a chance. Love John

Hells - 10/08/98 03:21:38
My URL:http://members.aol.com/HellsS8nt/main.html
My Email:HellsS8nt@aol.com


How the Hell are ya....!
Hi Mary, great page! Love all the pics. Why no pix of you sitting n***d behind you computer? LOL Hey, is someone looking in your window? Sorry, couldn't resist! Catch ya late .....

It's not what you think

John Carr - 10/03/98 05:57:41
My URL:http://www.connecti.com/~jcarr
My Email:jcarr@connecti.com

great webpage. John

Chris - 10/02/98 18:58:16
My Email:Luv2EatU73@hotmail.com

Great job.....c-ya around sometime soon

Dave Bearden - 10/01/98 15:57:22
My Email:MajDave@AOL.com

Very nice job Mary. I still think that I ought to be inspired to get a site going (by your example). But, not yet..... Love, Dave

martin - 09/30/98 05:18:47
My Email:sig985@aol.com

you're so cute hope to see ya thursday night love martin

Chris "The Boy" Hancock - 08/15/98 03:32:13
My URL:/SoHo/Museum/8435
My Email:chrisstar@hotmail.com

great page! so sign my book and then link up to my page.

beaver - 06/22/98 07:07:56
My Email:beavery@hotmail.com

I don't know why I get your homepage however, your homepage is better than my homepage. I will entry to your homepage again soon, so you should update your homepage, too. I like to watch sport same to you. I'm from Thailand so my english is very bad, however I would like to know you more than this. send mail to me please

Julia - 05/17/98 06:35:06
My Email:tigger72584@hotmail.com

Your home page looks better than Jen's...HAHAHA!!!

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