This is the history of the nWo

Given recent events, and the impending return of the New World Order, now seemed like an appropriate time to look back at the storyline that shook up WCW, and for a brief time allowed them to dominate the wrestling world. Below is a loose outline of the "NWO Years in WCW" in terms of storylines. Tomorrow, we will look at the impact of the NWO in a business sense. The New World Order. Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Well, at least, that's who it was in the beginning. By the time the angle was finally put to rest in 2000, the following wrestlers and associates had been part of the "elite" group: Ted DiBiase, Eric Bischoff, Syxx, Scott Norton, Michael Wallstreet, Big Bubba Rogers, Buff Bagwell, Masahiro Chono, nWo Sting, Vincent, The Giant, Rick Rude, Konnan, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Keiji Muto, Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth, Dennis Rodman, Curt Hennig, Scott Steiner, Brian Adams, Horace Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, Bret Hart, Louie Spicolli, Hiro Saito, The Disciple, Stevie Ray, Sting, Lex Luger, Disco Inferno, Big Titan, Michiyoshi Ohara, Jeff Jarrett, Ron Harris and Don Harris. With the roll call out of the way, let's take a look back at the New World Order, which may be coming back soon. May 27, 1996: During the first ever two-hour edition of Monday Nitro, Scott Hall comes in from the crowd and "declares war" on WCW. Hall had last been seen in the WWF as Razor Ramon. In the weeks that followed, Kevin Nash (formerly Diesel in the WWF) would join him, making challenges to WCW. They were portrayed as "Outsiders" invading the company, which later resulted in a lawsuit, since the WWF felt WCW was portraying Hall and Nash as still being with the WWF. June 16, 1996: At the Great American Bash Pay-per-view, WCW President Eric Bischoff tells Hall and Nash that their challenge has been answered, but refuses to name the opponents. They attack Bischoff and powerbomb him through a portion of the stage. A match is set for the Bash at the Beach PPV, with Hall, Nash and a "third Outsider" vs. Sting, Randy Savage and Lex Luger. July 7, 1996: At the Bash at the Beach PPV, Nash and Hall wrestle alone, taking Luger out of the match and laying out Sting and Randy Savage. Hulk Hogan emerges form the locker room, but instead of defending his fellow WCW wrestlers, Hogan gives Randy Savage a legdrop, and joins with Hall and Nash. Fans pelt the ring with garbage, as Hogan announces the group is the "New World Order" and claims that he was "bored" with WCW, and that Hall and Nash are the "new blood" that will help him take over WCW. Hogan also proclaims he is bigger than wrestling. Doing commentary at ringside, Tony Schiavone ends the broadcast by saying "Hulk Hogan, you can go to hell!" July 1996: Ted DiBiase, another recently departed from the WWF, joins the NWO as manager. On the July 29th Nitro, at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida, the NWO attacks Arn Anderson, Scotty Riggs, Marcus Bagwell and Rey Mysterio, Jr. backstage, including the now famous moment where Nash threw Mysterio like a dart into a trailer. August 10, 1996: At the Hog Wild PPV, longtime Hogan associate The Booty Man (Brutus Beefcake), brings out a birthday cake for Hogan following his WCW title win over The Giant. He appears to be part of the group, but is then beaten up by the NWO. The Giant who had just lost to Hogan, would join the NWO on September 2nd, saying he was doing it for the money. September 9, 1996: In an effort to fight the NWO, The Four Horsemen make peace with Sting & Lex Luger, and Ric Flair & Arn Anderson agree to team with them at War Games against the NWO. However, Luger sees (an imposter) Sting coming out of a limo with the NWO, and is attacked by the group. At the September 15th Pay-per-view, Nash, Hall, Hogan and the NWO Sting defeat Luger, Anderson, Flair and the real Sting when the real Sting walks out on his team, disgusted that they thought he would betray them. Luger submits to the NWO Sting to lose the match. September 16, 1996: Sting declares himself a free agent, with no allegiance to anyone but his fans. While he continues to wrestle on house shows, he no longer wrestles on TV. Syxx, formerly the 1-2-3 Kid in the WWF, makes his WCW debut, and joins the NWO. One week later, Vincent, formerly Virgil in the WWF, joins the NWO as their "Head of Security". The Nasty Boys also join, or at least they think they have, when Hogan informs them that he hasn't given them permission to wear NWO colors and has the rest of the group beat them up. The attacks on WCW continue, and they "put out" Ric Flair by attacking him backstage (in truth, Flair needed shoulder surgery and this was the storyline reason for his absence). The only positive for WCW at this point is the debut of Jeff Jarrett on October 7th, who teases he will join the NWO, but instead aligns himself with WCW. October 27, 1996: Hulk Hogan defeats Randy Savage (who had been played up as WCW's "last hope" with the absence of Flair and Sting) at Halloween Havoc in Las Vegas. After the match, Roddy Piper makes a surprise appearance, confronting Hogan and reminding him that the fans "wouldn't have loved you so much if they hadn't hated me." November 18, 1996: Roddy Piper appears on Nitro to respond to WCW President Eric Bischoff's allegation that contractual problems were keeping him out of WCW. Piper calls Bischoff and liar, and the NWO attack Piper. Bischoff reveals that he is with the NWO. He announces a "membership drive" the following week saying all WCW wrestlers have 30 days to change their contracts to "NWO contracts" or risk being a target. Marcus Bagwell of the American Males immediately splits with partner Scotty Riggs and signs up. December 1996: Ric Flair, still out with an injury, joins forces with Roddy Piper against the NWO, which grows larger with the addition of Big Bubba Rogers, Michael Wallstreet, Scott Norton and New Japan's Masahiro Chono, who starts an NWO faction in his company. December 29, 1996: The first serious blow to the NWO in the ring takes place, as Roddy Piper defeats Hulk Hogan clean with a sleeperhold in a non-title match at Starrcade (This is Hogan's first clean job since his 1990 loss to the Ultimate Warrior). The Giant becomes the first member ever kicked out of the group (other than the Nasty Boy and Booty Man teases, since they were never really in) the next night, for failing in his interference attempt during the match. January 20, 1997: After being absent from WCW since his Halloween Havoc loss to Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage returns to WCW, staging a "sit in" and declaring himself a free agent. He soon joins Sting, who has begun appearing in the rafters of arenas, observing everything going on in WCW. January 25, 1997: The first NWO Pay-per-view, Souled Out, is held on a Saturday. Results saw: Masahiro Chono (NWO) defeated Chris Jericho. ... Big Bubba Rogers (NWO) defeated Hugh Morrus. ... Jeff Jarrett defeated Mr. Wallstreet (NWO) ... Buff Bagwell (NWO) defeated Scotty Riggs. ... Scott Norton (NWO) defeated Diamond Dallas Page via countout. ... Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Kevin Nash & Scott Hall (NWO) when Scott pinned Hall. The Steiners won the WCW World Tag Team Titles, but were forced to return them the next night because WCW referee Randy Anderson ran in from the crowd and counted the pin, as NWO referee Nick Patrick was knocked out. Anderson was fired the following Monday on Nitro. ... U.S. Champion Eddie Guerrero defeated Syxx (NWO) in a ladder match. ... Hulk Hogan (NWO) vs. The Giant ended in a no contest as the NWO beat up The Giant. ... The PPV also featured the rather disturbing "Miss NWO" contest, where Eric Bischoff made out with the winner, a rather "senior citizen looking" biker chick. February 13, 1997: Randy Savage joins the NWO, helping Hulk Hogan win his WCW World Title match with Roddy Piper. One month later, at the Uncensored PPV, Sting makes his allegiance known when he comes out at the end of the main event and attacks the NWO, who believed he had come out to join them. April 21, 1997: J.J. Dillon, WCW Executive Committee Chairman, announces that Eric Bischoff no longer has any power in WCW (this is a storyline, of course). He informs Big Bubba Rogers and Michael Wallstreet that they cannot be members of the NWO, under the terms of their WCW contract. Wallstreet takes to wearing an anti-WCW shirt, instead of an NWO shirt. May 18, 1997: Ric Flair returns to the ring, teaming with Roddy Piper and Carolina Panther Kevin Greene to defeat Nash, Hall and Syxx at Slamboree. However, the NWO-WCW feud takes a back seat on this show to the heavily hyped match between former NFL greats Reggie White and Steve McMichael. June: Basketball bad boy Dennis Rodman joins the NWO, which is quickly growing outside of wrestling, with "NWO" style shirts popping up for just about anything you can imagine. He and the now-named "Hollywood" Hogan make the rounds on the publicity circuit. July 13, 1997: Dennis Rodman makes his wrestling debut, teaming with Hulk Hogan to lose to Lex Luger & The Giant. Also on this show, Curt Hennig, wrestling for the first time in several years, turns on Diamond Dallas Page during a match with Scott Hall and Randy Savage, however Hennig does not join the NWO. August, 1997: Ted DiBiase leaves the NWO to become manager for the Steiner Brothers, while Konnan joins the group. J.J. Dillon, in an attempt to get Sting to wrestle, begins offering him opponents, with Sting refusing every week. On August 25th, Arn Anderson retires, and gives Curt Hennig his spot in the Four Horsemen in one of the most emotional moments in Nitro history. The following week, the NWO does a skit mocking the moment. September 14, 1997: Curt Hennig turns on the Four Horsemen at Fall Brawl during War Games, slamming a steel cage door on Ric Flair's head and joining the NWO. Flair "officially disbands" the Horsemen weeks later. November 10, 1997: The NWO, with Canadian flags in hand, come to the ring and sing "Oh, Canada", and imply that Bret Hart, who was screwed out of the WWF World Title in Montreal the night before, is on his way in to the NWO. November 17, 1997: A clean shaven Rick Rude appears on Nitro and joins the NWO, while (with a beard) he appears at the same time on a taped edition of Raw. Rude speaks out against the way Bret Hart was screwed in the WWF. December 15, 1997: Bret Hart makes his first WCW appearance, but instead of joining the NWO, he accepts an offer to referee match between Larry Zbyszko at Starrcade. December 28, 1997: The payoff (at least it should have been). Almost a year and a half after his last televised match, Sting returns to the ring to wrestle Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Title at Starrcade. A fast count by referee Nick Patrick gave Hogan the win, but Bret Hart, who was a licensed official that night, demanded the match be restarted, and Sting won with the Scorpion, prompting a celebration by WCW wrestlers. Also on the card, Larry Zbyszko defeated Eric Bischoff and Dallas Page defeated Curt Hennig for WCW wins, while Buff Bagwell defeated Lex Luger and Scott Hall, Randy Savage and Konnan defeated The Steiner Brothers and Ray Traylor (who had broken all ties iwth the NWO) in a six man for the NWO. January 24, 1998: The second Souled Out PPV is held, but does not hold to the NWO vs. WCW format, as half the card has nothing to do with the New World Order. Dusty Rhodes joins the group, turning on Larry Zbyszko during his match with Scott Hall. Kevin Nash drops the Giant on his head with a powerbomb, starting a "ban the powerbomb" angle. Later that month, Bryan Adams and The Disciple (Beefcake) join the group. February 15, 1998: Real life intrudes on the fantasy, as Louie Spicolli, who had just begun a push as the NWO's lackey with a feud against Larry Zbyszko, was found dead in his home at the age of 27, the result of mixing alcohol with a large amount of somas February 22, 1998: At Superbrawl, Scott Steiner turns on his brother Rick during a match with Hall & Nash, and joins the NWO, giving them the WCW World Tag Team Titles. Sting defeats Hulk Hogan to settle the WCW World Title controversy started at Starrcade. March 15, 1998: Infighting amongst members of the NWO results in Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage, both part of the NWO, wrestling each other at Uncensored. This would be the first time NWO members wrestled each other. April 19, 1998: Using the real life termination of Syxx as part of the angle, Kevin Nash becomes vocal in his displeasure over the NWO's leadership. In a "bat match" at Spring Stampede, Hogan & Nash defeated Roddy Piper & The Giant, but Hogan hits Nash over the head with a bat. That night, Nash helped Randy Savage defeat Sting for the WCW World Title, knowing Hogan wanted the title shot for himself. The next night, Nash cemented his "NWO Wolfpac" group as being separate from "NWO Hollywood". A babyface group, members of the Wolfpac would include Scott Hall, Randy Savage, Konnan, Lex Luger, Sting and Curt Hennig. Hogan's NWO group included Bryan Adams, Stevie Ray, Vincent & Buff Bagwell. April 22, 1998: Buff Bagwell suffers spinal Shock syndrome after taking a top rope bulldog from Rick Steiner during a live edition of Thunder. He later has surgery to repair damage to his c3 and c5 vertebrae. May 17, 1998: At Slamboree, Scott Hall turns against Kevin Nash, splitting them for the first time since they invaded WCW and started the NWO. Hall rejoins the NWO Hollywood. Curt Hennig later jumps from the Wolfpac to the NWO Hollywood as well. June 8, 1998: The NWO makes major news outlets again when Dennis Rodman appears on Nitro with the group instead of reporting to practice for the NBA finals. July 6, 1998: Buff Bagwell appears on Nitro for the first time since his accident, in a wheelchair. It is later revealed to be part of an angle, as Bagwell is fine, and still part of the NWO Hollywood. Also that night, in front of a huge crowd at the Georgia Dome, Bill Goldberg defeats Scott Hall, then goes on to defeat Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Title. July 12, 1998: Hulk Hogan & Dennis Rodman again team up, beating Diamond Dallas Page and NBA star Karl Malone when the Disciple ran in and helped the nWo. This is followed by the rather unique Jay Leno vs. Eric Bischoff feud, culminating in Bischoff & Hogan losing to Page & Leno at Road Wild in August. September 14, 1998: While still embroiled in a legitimate legal battle with WCW, Ric Flair returns to WCW and reforms the Four Horseman. NWO boss Eric Bischoff interrupts the segment, and engages in a shouting match with Flair. September 1998: In an attempt to once again capitalize on an old WWF feud (as they did with Piper vs. Hogan), The (Ultimate) Warrior comes into WCW for a program with Hogan. Forming the OWN (One Warrior Nation), Hogan battles the Warrior at Halloween Havoc on October 25, 1998, but the cartoonish storyline flops, and the Warrior is soon forgotten. November 26, 1998: Hollywood Hulk Hogan appears on the Tonight Show, and announces his retirement from wrestling. Hogan says he plans to run for president in 2000. Hogan spends less and less time in WCW, and the NWO name begins to fade. December 27, 1998: At Starrcade, Kevin Nash, with the help of Scott Hall, ends Bill Goldberg's winning streak, and wins the WCW World Title. An NWO reunion seems imminent. December 28, 1998: Ric Flair defeats Eric Bischoff for control of WCW on Nitro, first making him submit to a figure four, then pinning him to make sure there was no doubt he had won. The Flair-Bischoff feud would rage on. January 4, 1999: Kevin Nash allows Hulk Hogan to pin him after poking him with his finger, giving him the WCW World Heavyweight Title. The NWO is reformed, with the Wolfpac and the "Black & White" as separate parts of the same team. Wolpac members are Hogan, Hall, Nash, Bagwell, Scott Steiner, Eric Bischoff and Lex Luger, while Black & White members are Scott Norton, Stevie Ray, Brian Adams, Curt Hennig, Horace Hogan, The Giant, Vincent. January 18, 1999: David Flair defeats Eric Bischoff in a hair vs. hair match, and Bischoff has his head shaved. 1999: The NWO name starts to fade again, with infighting and lack of cohesion as a unit. Some NWO members leave, others fired, and some just depart from the group with no explanation at all. Others move on to storylines that have no NWO involvement. The NWO vs. WCW storyline is over, with no real ending. In March of 1999, Hogan even begins a babyface turn, while Ric Flair is turned heel. December 20, 1999: Bret Hart defeats Bill Goldberg on Nitro, the joins Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Jeff Jarrett to reform the NWO (or as Nash puts it "putting the band back together"), as they lay out Goldberg and Roddy Piper and spraypaint "NWO" on them. One week later, Scott Steiner, expected to announce his retirement due to back problems, instead announces that he has joined the NWO. 2000: Due to injuries, and storyline changes, the NWO soon consists of Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall and the Harris Brothers. This version of the group doesn't last. The NWO name is finally put to rest in WCW in April of 2000, as Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo "wipe the slate clean" and instead try a different concept, the "New Blood" vs. the veterans.

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