2000 Northampton Storm

18 & U Fastpitch Softball

Welcome to the Northampton Storm homepage! We are an 18 & U "A" team based in Richboro, Pennsylvania consisting of players from Bucks County, Montgomery County, and New Jersey. Our team plays by a "Hold the Rope" philosophy. We also pray the softball player's prayer , kindly e-mailed to the team by the 1998 Storm tri-captain Theresa Pearson.

manager: Fred Jankowski
coaches: Rick Basalik, Tom Colletti, Chuck Resnick, and Joe Sadorf

Samantha Basalik - Shortstop, Center field
Terri Berger - Pitcher, Catcher, Third base
Jess Cardonick - First base, Outfield
De DeSilvis - Catcher, Outfield
Becky Foley - Catcher, Shortstop, Second base
Lonnie Hughes - Second base, Shortstop
Katie Koep - Pitcher, Center field
Chrissy Malizzia - Outfield, Second base
Sara Oetinger - Catcher, Shortstop, Outfield
Ilyse Resnick - Shortstop, Catcher, Outfield
Natalie Sadorf - Third base, Outfield
Molly Sayles - Pitcher, Outfield


Storm played a full schedule of over 60 games in ASA and FAST tournaments and Bi-County League games. Storm participated in ASA States, FAST Nationals as well as invitational tournaments in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and Montreal, Quebec.

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Schedule in the Spring


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any questions or comments? please e-mail manager at FJankow972@aol.com or webmaster at tcolletti@erols.com

Thanx for visiting Northampton Storm! Come back soon!

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