Welcome to the Lester Family 

Go Denver! 

Click Happy Face for beeper ad! 

  a. 486 download approx 4 minutes) 
  b. click on picture to begin ad 
  c. this is a mov file with sound 
Go Atlanta! 
Click Happy Face for Clinton Photo! 

  a.  fast download 
  b.  click on picture (if you're not a Clinton Lover) 
  c.  this is an avi file without sound 

 Click picture for closeup 

The Michael Lester Family  
We're moving to Redmond, Wa on the 16th 

Mike and Tami 

Mike and Tami's Web Site 

Marissa (1 year old) 
Christmas 1998 

Marissa (1 year old) 
Christmas 1998 

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The John Lester Family 

john and amber 

john and amber's web site 

email: Tweet06910@aol.com 


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Jeanne Marie Lester 

Now living in San Antonio Texas 

Graduation Photo with Mom and Dad 
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Jamie Michelle Lester 

Wedding bells are ringing May 21, 1999 
Temple and ring ceremonies are being planned 


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Thanks for visiting the Lesters 
Write Dave and Julie or Mom and Dad or Grandma and Grandpa 

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