Katie Matteson - 10/07/00 15:54:29
My URL:don't have one
My Email:mgirl56@yahoo.com
How you found this place: Was in my mailbox
Favorite Food: chicago chicken
Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper! (or Mr. Pibb)
Favorite type of music: Pop
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Game: Manopoly
This is a great website. I especially like all of the cool sounds.
- 09/04/00 18:28:23
My Email:rubygrl_22@yahoo.com
How you found this place: i beat you playing hearts....remember..(smiles)
Favorite Food: Do Starbursts count?
Favorite Drink: Lemonade
Favorite type of music: anything really
Favorite Sport: Golf-
Favorite Game: Hearts...
I really hope you remember who I am...if not i will feel really stupid...anyway..yeah I liked your pages...um drop me a line if you even slightly remember me...
Simon - 05/30/00 22:44:16
My Email:sjmatte@megsinet.net
How you found this place: Geoff told me
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: DAD'S rootbeer
Favorite type of music: Rock
Favorite Sport: Kickball
Favorite Game: Clue
I LOVE your COOL SOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 12/18/99 10:12:13
My Email:feeling_snappy@hotmail.com
How you found this place: I was looking for a midi for the "Coca Cola" song
Favorite Food: hmm...
Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper
Favorite type of music: punk, ska, and alternative
Favorite Sport: hmm...
Favorite Game: hmm...
Nice site. On your sound page, thingy, it says you weren't sure of one of the names of the songs, so I thought I might tell you. I believe it's "Crash" by Dave Mathews Band. I'm not a big fan of theirs, so I can't be positive, but I think I've heard it
on the radio several times.
Chi-Town Sports Den - 09/14/99 16:59:55
My URL:/colosseum/lodge/3044
My Email:hotdamit@aol.com
How you found this place: surfed net
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Beer
Favorite type of music: Rock
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Great Site. Please check out my chicago sport fans site, and consider adding it to your links page. Thank You so much. You have did a great job with this site. Good Luck
Monica - 08/22/99 04:09:46
My URL:http://members.aol.com/alovebugg/happy/home.htm
My Email:alovebugg@aol.com
How you found this place: after hours and hours of searching through websites for midi's
Favorite Food: ice cream
Favorite Drink: water ice cold
Favorite type of music: rock/alt.
Favorite Sport: basketball
I love your midis!!! I spent the last 5 hours straight looking for good ones and I finally found some! What's great about your site is that you don't have just one kind of midi, you have a really wide variety! Yahoo! It makes it easy, I don't have to go t
a different site for each band, it's awsome!
Stoned Ranger - 03/18/99 23:08:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/TheStonedRanger
My Email:Strictline@hotmail.com
How you found this place: Angelfire
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: BEER!!!!
Favorite type of music: Metal/industrial
Favorite Sport: Pro wrestling
Favorite Game: KI
Hey when is the official school sucks page gonna be up? I like your creativity. Bad choice in teams but good creativity. Check out the SR virus (my website) nOt really virus
Becky Hughes - 01/16/99 23:46:13
My Email:adidasgal01@yahoo.com
How you found this place: G-OFF told me
Favorite Food: pizza
Favorite Drink: Cream Soda
Favorite type of music: anything but country
Favorite Sport: Basketball/Softball
Favorite Game: Parchesi (j/k)
You're missing the Blackhawks!
Courtney Anne Kelly - 01/15/99 19:31:08
My Email:courtesa@aol.com
How you found this place: Thru Becky
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
Favorite Drink: Boppin' Berry Hi-C
Favorite type of music: everything-I Love Music
Favorite Sport: Volleyball
Favorite Game: Battleship
Hi G-off,
Nice webpage! I liked the music. Sometime you should show me how to make a webpage,... like I'd understand. Maybe you should put a tribute to Bradley Preston in here. :)
Santa Claus - 12/17/98 13:49:46
My URL:http://www.love.com
My Email:Lman25@yahoo.com
How you found this place: duh
Favorite Food: pizza
Favorite Drink: coke
Favorite type of music: classic rock
Favorite Sport: soccer
Favorite Game: monopoly
The Bone Man - 11/28/98 03:23:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/7347
My Email:Goni1@aol.com
How you found this place: you told me
Favorite Food: spam
Favorite Drink: liquid spam
Favorite type of music: you know that
Favorite Sport: lacrosse
Favorite Game: leap frogs
very interesting............very interesting........................but stupid.
No, now really folks, lets give the man a hand, he did a great job...really
Justin Theriault - 11/21/98 21:19:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/baja/trails/6437
My Email:jpt@metallicafan.com
How you found this place: just screwin' around and found it
Favorite Food: Breakfest foods
Favorite Drink: ice cold beer
Favorite type of music: Metal
Favorite Sport: Swimming
Favorite Game: Metal Gear Solid
nice page,visit mine and sign my book
Merry - 11/04/98 13:26:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/5902/carols.html
My Email:xmas@hotmail.com
How you found this place: surfing
Favorite Food: Turkey
Favorite Drink: Egg Nog
Favorite type of music: Carols
Favorite Sport: Skiing
Favorite Game: Xmas Monopoly
Dick - 10/26/98 13:41:57
My Email:rjr195@aol.com
How you found this place: stumbling around in a drunken stupor
Favorite Food: beef
Favorite Drink: GATORADE
Favorite type of music: Alternative
Favorite Sport: soccer
Favorite Game: spin the bottle
cool place, and if there are any men out there, EMAIL ME!
G Matteson - 10/12/98 20:37:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/mguy5/
My Email:mguy5@hotmail.com
How you found this place: Just surfin' the net
Favorite Food: Sesame Chicken
Favorite Drink: Peanut Butter Shakes
Favorite type of music: Everything
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Game: None
Cool place!