I hope you learn
a lot because soccer can be an
Very difficult
The official
size of the pitch from the International Soccer Organisation (the FIFA) is :
length of the pitch is at most a 120 meters and the minimum length is 90 meters
The width
is at most 90 meters and the minimum width is 45 meters.
country in the world can use their on size but it has to be within the sizes by
the FIFA.
Holland the Dutch football organisation (the KNVB) has said : a pitch is at
least 100 meters long and 64 meters width , at most a pitch is 105 meters long
and 69 meters width.
international matches there are other sizes : max. 120 x 75 and min. 100 x 64.
You can
see a picture of a soccer field if you click here.
A match
is played by 2 teams. Every team excist out of 10 players and a goalkeeper.
means that there are 22 players on the field.
start a match there have to be at least 8 players a team on the
field (
7 field players and 1 goalkeeper).
official matches every team has 3 substitutions a match , often in friendly
games the teams agree that there be more substitutions in one game.
The 2
teams witch are playing must wear different clothes so the referee can separate
the 2 teams.
goalkeepers must also wear different clothes so the referee can see the
difference between a defender and his goalie.
team has a captain , he is wearing a band on one of his upper arms.
1 Match
has to periods of 45 minutes , the break between the 2 half’s is 15 minutes ,
the players go to their dressing rooms (every team has one dressing room) and usually
drink thee or something non alcoholic.
during the game there is some injured or there are substitutions the time is
stopped and at the end of each period that time will be added up by the 45