UCLA Badminton Club 
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Badminton is the second most popular sport in the world (right behind soccer). However, badminton hasn't received the attention it deserves here in the United States, mainly due to the fact that many Americans are misinformed on this sport. Most American's still live in the days when badminton was a picnic sport. That was than, This is now! With the birdie flying over 200 mph, badminton is one of the fastest racquet sport in the world. Badminton player need fast reaction time, power, agility, accuracy and the ability to jump high. All these skills are needed in order to be good at this sport. Currently, United States only have 2 male and 3 female singles player ranked above 100. Rather ridiculous considering that United States is a power house in almost of the other sports.
Position: Name: E-mail:
President: Nathan Wang natwang@ucla.edu
Vice-PresidentElwin Ong eco1@ucla.edu
Treasurer: Lilia Woo wool@ucla.edu
Secretary: Gene Bang gbang@ucla.edu
Publicity: Steve Wang wayawaya@ucla.edu
Sr. Executive Advisor: Tony Chow tchow@ucla.edu


UCLA badminton club is on it's fourth year here at UCLA. With over 30 members of varies ablities, everyone tries hard to improve each other's game so we can bring trophies back from badminton tournaments. We meet every week on Friday from 6:30 to 9:45 pm in the Men's Gym. From time to time, we enter tournaments to compete with other players in the area. UCLA badminton is a member of the Southern California Intercollegiate Badminton League (SCIBL), which is on it's second year of existence. Other member of the SCIBL are UC Irvine, UC San Diego, USC, CalPoly SLO, and CalTech. Last year, we were able to compile a record of 4-2 in SCIBL. This year the league finals will be at UCLA Pardee Gym on May 22, 1999.

News Flash

UCLA was able to host the second annual SCIBL finals this year. Although USC wasn't not able to make it to the finals due to the fact that their school year ended already, plenty of players from the other schools to pack the UCLA Pardee Gym. As a team, the UCLA badminton club was able to finish in second place within the SCIBL, right behind UC Irvine. Melva won 1st place in Women's Singles. Karen and Kelly placed 2nd in Women's Doubles. Karen and George won 1st place, and, Melva and Nathan placed 2nd, in Mix Doubles.

UC Irvine placed 2nd and 3rd in Men's Singles, 1st and 2nd in Men's Doubles, 1st in Women's Doubles and 3rd in Mix Doubles.

Cal Poly SLO placed 1st in Men's Singles.

UC San Diego place 2nd in Women's Doubles

Yonex San Deigo Badminton Supply
International Badminton Federation USA Badminton Badminton Australia Southern California Badminton Association
San Gabriel Valley Badminton Club Orange County Badminton Club University of Texas, Austin Badminton Club
University of Waterloo Badminton Club  University of Waterloo Badminton Club McGill University Badminton Team McGill University Badminton Team
UC Davis Badminton Club  UC Santa Barbara Badminton Club
Badminton Canada  NorthEast Badminton Association
Asby Sports Wellington North Badminton Association (New Zealand)
Anita's Badminton Page  AC Badminton Page  The Star Online (Malaysian News)
Pictures UCLA Badminton Club Guestbook
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Please E-mail UCLA Badminton Club at uclabadminton@geocities.com with any comments or for more information.
This Page Was Created on March 10, 1997 by Tony Chow.
Last Modified on May 25, 1999. 

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