Contact Information
For those of you that do
not know what ICQ is, it is like an irc client but has many
features that irc does not. For instance, it will alert you when
a user logs on if they are in your list of contacts. It also has
an answering machine functionality. It will leave a message to
whomever you send it to. You can play games across it, and most
of all, it provides you with a pager so that if we are busy
working on something else, and you want to talk, just page us. We
will try to be on ICQ often so that you can have your questions
answered immediately.
Our number is
in case the below pager is not working. ICQ is a very busy site!
You can also
e-mail us at the following addresses
ANDREW FOSTER - President atfoster@uiuc.edu
BRIAN WOODS - Vice President bywoods@mailexcite.com
RICK WENDEL - Statistician rwendel@mailexcite.com
HENRY GRAHN - Marketer/Accountant htgrahn@iname.com
KELLY DENGLE - Public Relations KellyD@psynet.net
JIMMY CRAWFORD - Webmaster jimmyc@biogate.com
KELLY DENGLE - Acting Historian KellyD@psynet.net
ANDREW FOSTER - Editor atfoster@uiuc.edu
Page created by Andrew Foster on November 3, 1996
Copyright ©1998
by The Cardinal Nest