"Attention! Yahoo has decided to shut down Geocities, which means this site will disappear and the info on it will no longer be accessible. My only regret is that the safety info may be lost to the web closure unless I can find another free site location."

"Working for a future."

Sharing issues that affect the Sport with Wayne Oras
[I used the LTD for a number of reasons. This free site limits how much information can be stored and the amount of information downloaded (4.5 MBs) per hour. Also I have a limited amount of time to devote to it. If you find that this page won't upload wait an hour or so and try again. If you have any suggestions for improving or adding to this site, let me know and I will try my best to accommodate those wishes.]

I have received many e-mails thanking me for putting this info on line for all to read. Visitors should know that I will try to keep this free web site running as long as possible. I am sure some safety mis-information will appear again so this site can serve as a point of reference.

AAU Sports.Org
USA Masters
Illinois HS Assoc.
Illinois Swimming Officials Assoc.
National Federation of HS
Illinois Diving



  • Diving coach for 40+ years and former diver.
  • Diving Chairman for the Illinois Swimming Association for 28 years.
  • Hosted the J.O. Association Championships for 23 years.
  • Big 8 1 & 3 meter Champion 1964, 1965,1966.
  • NCAA All America 1965.
  • Masters National Champion August 1981.
  • Ilinois Diving Hall of Fame March 1985.
  • Illinois Diving Coach of the Year 1987.
  • Illinois High School Association Special Recognition Award February 1987 & February 1993.
  • Illinois Swimming Hall of Fame March 2000.
  • Began the original Diving Safety Research in 1977 and turned over all of the sources and information to Barbara Gimmell, US Diving February 1986. That information became the basis of US Diving's "Position Paper" and part of their coach's "Certification Course" in 1988.
  • Uncovered and reacted to information that placed Diving on the "Endangered Sports" list for both Illinois and Wisconsin High Schools in 1982.
  • Served as an "Expert Witness" for PDRMA (Risk Management) from 1996 to 1999.
  • April 30, 1998 Sent an e-mail inquiring what it would take to get Diving back under the AAU sport's umbrella.
  • Continued the Safety research that culminated in some of the articles published below. The original papers are on file in the libraries of the National Safety Council and PRIMA 1999.
  • After nearly 2 years of writing, the AAU accepted Diving at their annual Aquatics Convention. AAU Insurance for Diving became available. October 2000
  • July 19 & 20, 2003 Hosted the 1st Illinois AAU Diving Invitational in 28 years.
  • Other things you may not want to know about me! 1/23/2001
  • My Proudest Moments 3/1/2008
Springboards and More! [For all your Diving Equipment and Supply Needs.]
Copyright Material


  • "One Member's Opinion" Diver Magazine, July/August 1998.
  • "Taking a Long Look at Diving Safety" Two part series Diver Magazine, Sept/Oct 1999 & Nov/Dec 1999.
  • "Coach defends safety as his sport takes a dive." Chicago Tribune July 19, 2000
  • "Do or die for diving" International Aquatics Magazine, July/August 2000.
  • "What's Forcing Diving Boards off the Deep End?" Public Risk Magazine, July 2000.

  • "No Such Thing as Safe Diving Depths?" International Aquatics Magazine, July/August 2004 as a letter to the editor.

  • "Don't Pack Away the Diving Board at Your Public Pool." Public Risk Management Magazine, July 2004.

    Because our Olympic Medal hopes don't seem likely to be achieved, I have decided to resurrect an article from a few years ago.The Hobie Factor.


    Tips from the Master.

    If you haven't heard, Hobie Billingsley has a new book out titled "A Comprehensive View of Competitive Diving." Whether you are a diver, coach or just a diving enthusiast it is something you'll want to read and keep in your library for reference.

    Hobie's Progressive Idea

    When judging many of us have found ourselves wishing we could flash a quarter of a point more or less than we could on the current half point scale. Well Hobie has made that idea possible with flash cards, calculators etc. In order for this idea to get off the ground, there has to be more interest shown by the diving community. If you wish to get more info, contact Hobie or find it explained in his new book on pages 277 thru 279.

    "Safety + United States Diving = Nothing." 3/21/05 What have they done to keep diving boards from disappearing?
    Laura Wilkinson
    3 Olympic Medals in 12 years. How did we get here?


All Of My Old US Diving Disagreements are now archived here. Click and go. A MATTER OF OPINION 12/12/2002

Be Recruited.com [A service for divers looking toward college.]


Diving Basics.... Intro 2/4/2001


  • Officials' Clinic 1/18/2009
  • Feb 2008 The 32nd place Boys qualifying score to this year's State Meet was 361.50. Wonder where that will place at the State Finals? Answer: 12th. (18 divers over 400 pts going in with only 4 finishing that way.)
  • Nov 2007 The 32nd place Girl's qualifying score of 345 would have finished 7th at the State Meet this year.


Suggested Rule Refinements

Hobie's Coaching Clinics

On Line since 1/17/99