Welcome to Matt's Page Of TV Links.
Ok, although this page may be pretty sparse, there are some fabulous links,
so get surfing and enjoy.
If you know of any good links that should go here,
Lemme know.

This page has Fred's seal of approval
The links:
Well, if you know me, and I'm sure you do, because if you don't I am surprised you got this far on my web page, you know that my all time favorite television show is "The X-Files." So, I felt that I should start with a few X related links.
First I bring you to the amazingly complete website
A Serious Look at The X-Files. This is a great starting point. Check it out.
Next I send you to a little humorous expedition to a page of X-Files Top Ten Lists and other X humor. This one is also a must see.
Next we go to my second favorite television show, South Park. You can visit the four tykes and their pals at Just South of South Park. The Lockergnome, (as he calls himself) has a bunch ofstuff including links to other SP pages that I don't have the time, nor the room to link to.
Next we visit the Simpsons, at the very elaborate Simpsons Archive at www.snpp.com. (Springfield Nuclear Power Plant!)
We next move along to a coupla Seinfeld pages. First I send you off to Martin's Seinpage. Its kinda fun.
After that, we move to a wacky page called Kramer ate my balls! This page has a link to all the other "ate my balls" pages. This one is a hoot!
Ok, now that that's over and done with, we plod forth into the murky and mysterious depths of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer Page. This page is really cool, I wish I had tha skillz to do something like that, but hey, I don't got it!
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