(Fred is owned and trained by Matt Fornabaio)

This is a page devoted entirely to Fred the dog.
You will soon learn the wonders of Fred through this informative new service.
"Why do I need to know more about Fred?" You ask?
Well, because, Fred loves you, and he wants you to know all about him.

Here we see Fred with a few of his brothers and sisters. (He was a part of a very large litter.) Can you guess which one is Fred?
Right! The Gray one.

Here we see Fred at a construction site. Watch out for that manhole, Fred!

Here we see Fred with his best friend in the whole wide world: Batty. (originality, eh?) Batty loves Fred, as should you.

Next we we Fred, Where the Hell do you find these friends of yours??

Finally we see Fred in his most favorite place in the whole wide world.

That's right. Wall Street.
Tell us, Fred, where DO all the brokers meet??

Well, there you have it. All the reasons to love Fred and his um, friends. I must apologise if this page is a little slow at times, Fred and his buddies are very active. I must also apologise if that frog thing really annoys you or gives you epilepsy. Remember, its not my friend, its Fred's. Now he has another friend.


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