Welcome to My Dedication to Bomber Homepage.
Background. This page was originally intended to be a portion of Ken Poudrier's (henceforth to be named Bomber) application for an RA position here at Fordham.
The assignment was to write up a creative project that would display the applicant's talents. Bomber asked me for help, so I committed myself to helping.
Together, we came up with a humorous approach to the assignment.
What you are about to read is nothing more than three lists displaying Bomber's sense of humor and his...um...shall we say odd friends.
Ken's Top Ten!
Top Ten Reasons Ken is Not the Antichrist
10) He has never seen "The Last Temptation of Christ."
9) Always says "please" and "thank you."
8) Says his prayers before playing "Doom II"
7) Does not live at 666 Mockingbird Lane.
6) Washes his socks with bleach.
5) Has never had a negative near death experience.
4) Has been to church at least once.
3) Has read at least one verse of the Bible.
2) Knows the names of three saints.
And the #1 reason Ken is not the Antichrist:
1) He is allergic to Brimstone.
Top Ten Reasons Ken Thinks Dinosaurs
Went Extinct.
10)They were scared off by the" X-Files"
9) They accidentally wandered into the streets of LA.
8) There was a mishap in their development of nuclear
7) Kicked out of housing for having too many Halogens.
6) They refused to recycle.
5) They got rolled on the D-Train
4) Paparazzi.
3) They removed the tag on the mattress.
2) God exiled them for eating Adam and Eve.
And the #1 reason Ken thinks dinosaurs went extinct:
1) Eric Cartman mistook them for giant Cheezy Poofs.
Top Ten Classes Ken Thinks Should be Offered
10) Underwather basket weaving 101.
9) Where to find a senior thesis.
8) How to avoid the new sign-in policy.
7) How to format a pre-formatted disk.
6) The difference between a "rain forest and a pop tart."
5) Everything you wanted to know about kangaroos,
but were afraid to ask.
4) The literary works of David Koresh.
3) How to be mistaken for a tree.
2) Cleansing the Elderly.
And the #1 class Ken thinks should be offered:
1) What the hell IS Ring around the Collar???
Thank you for you time. Bomber also thanks you.
"I feel like a can of crushed assholes."
Copyright 1998 by Poudrier Publications Inc.
Printed with permission.

Written by Ken Poudrier and Matt Fornabaio
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