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RIP Ray Charles. What'd I Say?

This is Fred. Say Hello to Fred.

But above all, love Fred, because Fred loves you.
Here is Fred's Homepage.
Fred is my critic. He tells you what to think of the following.
He will guide you on this page and the ones that follow.

To Matt's Kickin' Homepage

Original Pages

Compiled and written by Matt Fornabaio

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Let's start this show with a bang, shall we? No, eh? You don't want a bang? Ok, then here's a page about me instead.

After that, what say we move along to my family.

Ok, now that that's over with, let's go to the Bomber dedicatiion page to represent my friends until some of my other friends get off their asses and get online. (See below)

Next we move on to my closest friend of all, television, with a Television links page This will be expanded, once I get some time to get more links.

What do I like more than TV? Music!! (Well, among other things, like breathing and stuff) I give to you my pathetic songs page

I offer here a link to my somewhat daily quote. It's long, but some of the quotes on there are really kewl.

And the shorter second installment of my quotes page.

Next, I send via the world wide web, My non-profit, not circulation newspaper entitled "In Other News"(last updated:(May 20) It stars such celebrities as Doug Gilmour and Ed Koch. It is a must-read for anyone who has no self esteem, like me.

Photos!!!! Need I say more?

Last, and certainly least, I give you the official Chaos homepage!! It includes a roster (sort of) as well as scores and stuff involving our (so far) one season as a floor hockey team.

Not So Original Pages

Links to other pages not made by me.

First let me link to my brother, Mike Fornabaio's page The NEW boring homepage. Lotza cool stuff on here czek it out.

Next zip off to Eric Lord's Homepage. I honestly do not really know what you're gonna find there, I think he has a Tara Lipinski page, a Hershey Bears Page, and a buncha other stuff. Check this one out too. (Note, picture is of the Fordham Ram, our mascot.)

My uncle too has a Go see it and buy really cool stuff, I'm not kidding, this is really cool stuff. (I get paid to say that.)

Now, we move on to the Official Fordham University Website. Not much to say, as there's not much to see, but I had to link it.

Let's Go Rangers. This is the official New York Rangers Website.

Similarly, this is the official Beast of New Haven Website.

We now head off to a better newspaper than "In Other News", This is"The Onion."

Next we forge on to Bob Shannon's homepage. He is a DJ on WCBS in New York, and this is a great page if you love music, or anything else for that matter.

Ok, here's a fun page. Area51/Corridor/8892 Its a Beatles page, far better than I could ever do. Enjoy it, and look for a Beatles page here someday.

This is one of my most frequented sites.Talk City. This is free chat, and its fun, but addictive. Have fun...

Go to The Miami Herald to read Dave Barry's columns It's a fun excursion. Not much to say again, the link pretty much says it all.

Go to Rec.Humor.Funny Jokes, jokes and more jokes.

I am forced to put this Link to the graphics station at SiliconValley/6603 on here because I used a bunch of graphics from them like that big ol' welcome sign, and I think Fred came from there too. It's a fun site for anyone wanting to build a page, or if you just wanna look a fun .gif's.

Send Me some e-mail at the fabulous address of

There will soon be more of these Lynx, but I don't have that
many pages to think of right now!

All This (sadly) is the work of Matthew John Fornabaio.