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Well this is a much needed update. I must say the past few years in Jamaica have been quite different from my home land Barbados. This site has now become a dedication to my wife and our life together. She is such a wonderful woman and still the very best in the world. Graceann I love you very much stay sweet the world is our oyster. My masters is almost complete and for me thats just the begining. I'll keep updating everything over the course of time, some new pictures have been added and they are good as usual. Well its great having you here now stop reading this and go check it out.

For all the beautiful ladies checking out this page, here is something special for you.

Personal Stuff

For all those who are curious and want to know a bit about your host, just follow this link and you just may find out all you need to know.


This is my Island in the sun where my people have toiled since time begun. Check out some facts about Barbados.


I'm gonna try to create a page filled with volleyball, mostly about our domestic tournaments and The Caribbean Volleyball Championships(CVC). This is a definite must see for all those who visit this page.

My Beautiful Wife

But anyhow enough of that lets get to te real reason that we are here check out Graceann's Page.

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