Jack - 11/27/00 19:56:17
Where are you from ?: ITALIA
ciao ti scrivo solo per saper se il sito è ancora attivo perchè credo che io e te siamo tra gli ultimi fanatici di CM2...rispondimi sul guestbook se sei ancora vivo...
Mike - 11/09/00 14:04:33
My Email:thugluv7@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: holland
I'd like to know what the trainers are of France and Portugal I know a good position of the club Ajax 4-4-2 devensive with a direct style.
But would yuo please send me the names of the trainers of France and Portugal?
Thanks Already
Dom Taylor - 05/28/00 18:28:37
My Email:and-solskjaers-won-it@manutd.com
Which page do you refer: all good
Where are you from ?: Bridlington
ive got loadsa money but i cant sign the best players have you got any tips
Indra - 04/14/00 13:29:35
My Email:indra.wijaya@chickmail.com
Which page do you refer: tactics
Where are you from ?: indonesia
quite good
Richie "God " Brennan - 01/29/00 13:13:24
My Email:www.imnottelling.com
Which page do you refer: none
Where are you from ?: space
this page is shite to say the least and out of date u lazy bastard do some work to it for fuck sake
Justin Anderson - 08/07/99 12:12:22
My Email:ianderson@btinternet.com
Where are you from ?: reading
thehe should be better cheats
Conor Henebry - 08/01/99 13:56:52
Where are you from ?: algero
Conor Henebry - 08/01/99 13:56:20
Arthur Nicholson - 07/07/99 23:34:18
My Email:arthurguitar@yahoo.co.uk
Which page do you refer: Main Page
Where are you from ?: Shetland
Love the colours!!! very flashy. Plenty of downloads.
Paulo Vilhena - 08/11/98 09:59:19
My Email:pvilhena@privageste.com
Where are you from ?: Portugal
I think your page´s FANTASTIC!!!
Gachi - 07/02/98 08:52:05
My Email:lgachi@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Portugal
It is a great page, but, the download of the file WAGEFIX doesn´t WORK!!!!!!!!!!!
Paulo Tavares - 05/21/98 12:44:31
My Email:Alex_joca@yahoo.com
Which page do you refer: All
Where are you from ?: Portugal
It is a very good site, and it helped me a lot
TIAGO DIAS DESTERRO - 02/19/98 13:05:27
My Email:tiagofintas@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: viseu
este jogo e o melhor jogo, para mim , que esta ao cimo da terra.
qd tiverem coisas novas agradecia qaue me mandem.
Niclas Johansson - 01/29/98 15:02:36
My Email:Playern@hotmail.com
Which page do you refer: You´re
Where are you from ?: Sweden
This is a very good page. I hope that it comes more updates to cm3 when it comes out!
Giovanni "Pulici" Rossi - 10/30/97 09:50:13
My URL:http://www.aspide.it/freeweb/wodan/
My Email:pulici@mail.dada.it
Where are you from ?: Imperia - Italy
WOW !!! Your SITE is very Good!!! I enjoyed it! I ha e insert your pages in my bookmark. |
Nice page.Not bad, a 7/10.
Jarrett Tan - 09/22/97 07:37:26
My Email:jttg@hotmail.com
Where are you from ?: Singapore
Quite an ok page. Please fix the downloads page fast!
Wayne Raper - 09/17/97 09:16:33
Where are you from ?: Darlington England
Darlo FC will mortal Hartlepool Oh and by the way nice page
Trond Atle Skarning - 07/23/97 17:24:53
My URL:http://home.sn.no~tskarnin
My Email:trondatle@cyberdude.com
Which page do you refer: Prefer? youre cm2 site!!
Where are you from ?: Norway
It is a good start!
hope you finish well:)
Marc Duffy - 07/23/97 13:50:15
My URL:/SouthBeach/1467
My Email:doubli@geocities.com
Where are you from ?: Watford, HERTS - ENGLAND
Thanks for the E-Mail - I'll be updating my page shortly!!!!