CLUB OF SCIENCE PHILOSOPHY OBJECTIVES: The main objective of our Club is to return to search for the Truth using the scientific methodology and the philosophical ideas. We are working both individually and within the group using discussion method. ORGANIZATION: There exist President, secretary and treasurer who all are elected for a period of one year. The president is responsible to prepare club meetingsand to plan its funstioning. The secretary is responsible for writing down the most important occured during the meetings. The treasurer is responsible for economical part. METHOD TO WORK: It is planned to organize one meeting per month. The aim of the meeting is to present and to discuss one subject of common interest, which later colud be prepared in a form of a manuscript for publication. The format of the manuscript should be about 4 pages of A4 format, double space, Arial font, size 12. The manuscript should include: abstract, introduction, content, conclusiones, references. The manuscripts are going to be published in the web site of the Corporation of Fundamental and Applied Physics. MEMBERS: Name C.I. ------ ---- Professor Douglas Moya (President) 170309713-7 Sheyla Serrano 171026757-4 Tita Vincenti 171026758-2 Hernán Poveda 050058895-9 Fernando Andrade 170376310-0 Patricio Echeverría 170702699-1 Oscar V. Chimborazo 180315495-2 Dr. Alberto Celi 010164917-6 Johhny F. Chimborazo 180330142-1Back to the main page of the Corporation Club de Filosofía de la Ciencia Corporación de Física Fundamental y Aplicada Apartado 17-12-637, Quito ECUADOR Phone: +593-2-2442631, FAX: +593-2-2401583