Dann's Baseball Trivia Question of the Week

M E M O R I A L - As you may have guessed, this site is dead.


After, brief appearances in 1962 and '63, Tony Oliva led the A.L. in hits as a rookie in 1964, then again in '65 and '66.  Who is the only player to lead his league in hits in his first three big league seasons?
Johnny Pesky, Boston A.L., 1942, 1946, 1947

Date Question Answer Correct answers by
03-18-99 Last team with 2 20-game winners but didn't finish 1st San Francisco, 1993 Henry Hascup
03-28-99 Most walks allowed in a shutout Lefty Gomez, 11, NYA, 8-1-41 Henry Hascup, John Wanhala
04-05-99 Team with most consecutive playoff losses Boston, 13, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1995 Henry Hascup, Jason M. Piicker
04-14-99 Smallest difference b/n HR and RBI, minimum 40 HR in a season Ken Griffey, 50 (40 HR, 90 RBI), Sea, 1994 Henry Hascup, Bob LaCaille, Jim Arsenault
04-20-99 First player to play for both Expos and Blue Jays Hector Torres Henry Hascup
04-30-99 Only player (excluding Oliva) to lead league in hits in his first three seasons Johnny Pesky, Bos, 1942, 1946, 1947 ---

Providers of multiple correct answers
Henry Hascup, 57
Bob LaCaille, 13
George Bodiroga, 10
John H. Sweetland, 6
John Wanhala, 4
Jeff Brubaker, 3
Fred Boatman, 3
Max Kates, 2
Jeff Getz, 2
Steve Patzer, 2
If anyone has answered more than one question and I have not posted their name, or if you believe this tabulation to be inaccurate, please let me know.

1998 and 1997's trivia questions are available for viewing.

Fred's Baseball Trivia Page and Jason's New York Mets Homepage offer trivia questions, much like this page does.