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![]() The turmoil continues at the April 16th card in Winnipeg Manitoba. In the Main Event Alex Rain & Brother Midnight, subsituing for the injured Spice Richards, moved on the the tag team finals against Damage Inc, on April 30th, when they beat Vance Nevada and Bobby Jay. What happened after the match was even more eventful. After Rain got the pin on Nevada, he was attacked from behind by Skar. With Stryker directing traffic in the ring, Jay, Nevada, Skar and J.D. Steel began to lay a beating on Rain. Just when it looked like Rain was going to receive a serious injury out fo the vicious attack. Brain Jewel and Iron Man jumped into the ring. The Power Pro guys ran over each other to get out of the ring. The crowd began to chat C W F and Power Pro Sucks! The amazing thing about this is that Rain, Jewel and Iron Man have never really liked each other. Could this be a sign of things to come? Do the fans of the CWF finally have a force that can stand up to the Power Pro group. If Jewel, Rain and Iron Man can put aside their personal differences, it can only mean good things for the fans of the CWF. RING RAP: "The Rebel" Bobby Collins has been attacking Mitchell every chance he can get. During the show he deck Mitchell three times. Mitchell has been actively seeking an enforcer for his Militia since his contractual squabble with Brian Jewel began. Jewel seems be turning his back on protecting Mitchell. In the match between Iron Man and Collins, Mitchell was at ringside cheering for Iron Man. Both Stryker and Mitchell have claimed that Iron Man will be joing their respective groups. Mike Stone has vanished of the face of the planet. Stryker claims that he is afraid of the likes of Skar and Sledge, and will not show his face in the NWA/CWF again. It is official, EZ Ryder will be making his return to the CWF at the Lincoln Hotel on April 24th. Stryker has made the claim that Ryder is still under contract to Power Pro and will be the sixth member to join Power Pro. Mike Myers was a no show for his match, again. Word has it that he heard Iron Man's suspension was lifted and has taken to hiding in his parent's basement again. Todd Bullit will be returning to the CWF in May. His neck injury has healed and the doctors have given him the green light. Rumor has it the he may be teaming up with Bobby Collins again, and make a run for the tag team titles. Wayne Stanton, former River City Wrestling promoter, was seen in the crowd again taking notes during the match. No one knows his intentions or what in the world he is doing! The April 16th show at Chalmers Community Center has a number of key matches. The main event will feature the "turncoat" Vance Nevada and his egotistical buddy "Showtime" Robby Royce, set to team up against the due of Alex Rain and Spice Richards. The winners of this match will go on to face Danage Inc. on April 30 to determine the new CWF Tag Team Champions. Now wouldn't this be ironic if Nevada and Royce won this match and had to take on their Power Pro brothers, Skar and Sledge. With the egos that Nevada and Royce carry around with them, there is now way that they are going to lie down for Damage Inc. and give up their chances of becoming tag team champions once again. Stryker has a big problem on his hands, if Royce and Nevada win this could thrown the master takeover plan of Stryker into complete disarray. The fans of the CWF would enjoy that scenerio, but they would be celebrating even more if Rain and Richards be the snot out of those Power Pro punks and then beat Damage Inc. on April 30. This would bring Stryker and his buddies back down to the bottom of the ladder in the CWF where they belong! Since Darren Dalton has graduated from the CWF Training Academy, he has quickly become a fan favorite. He surprised everyone back on March 20 when he won the 15 man Battle Royal at the Lincoln Hotel. Two weeks ago he surprised Brian Jewel as well, when he upset him in a non-title match. The belt will be on the line and if Jewel isn't prepared for Dalton, then the newcomer could very well become the heavyweight champion after only two matches to his credit. One thing Dalton better be aware of, is that Jewel never makes the same mistake twice. Mike Myers has been shooting of his mouth to anyone who wwill listen that he is rated in the Top 500 in the world by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. Since his return to the CWF he has not won a match. He locks up with the 20 year veteran Caveman Broda. Myers has been complaining all week the the CWF booking committee, that he should not have to wrestle Broda until he is assured that Broda has a bath on the day of the match. I anyone stinks around here, it's Mike Myers. Myers has been trying desperately to accepted into the Power Pro Group, and if he looses to Broda, not only are those chances getting slimmer but his status as a world class wrestler will be about as worthless as that cheap haircut he saviours! Adam Knight, the latest addition to Mitchell's Militia, squares off against one-half of Damage Inc. in Skar. This will be Skar's first singles competition he has entered into since he entered the CWF. It will be interesting to see if he has the staminia to last with the much improved Adam Knight. Skar won't be able to tag to his big buddy Sledge, and get a breather in this one. Knight wants to prove to Mitchell that the big money he is getting is worth every penny. A loss to either on would mean a further wait for a shot at the heavyweight title. Last but not least one of the most hated men in the CWF's history, Bobby Collins will step into the ring with Nikki Lyons. Collins cannot afford to lose this one if he wants another crack a the light heavyweight belt. Nikki Lyons has fallen on hard times as of late, and a victory over Collins is just what this fan favorite needs to get him back on the right track. RING RAP: Former River City Wrestling promoter Wayne Stanton has been seen at a number of CWF shows over the last few months. Rumor has is that he was connected to Power Pro Wrestling before it was bought out by CWF owner Ernie Todd. Stanton was equipped with a pen and a notepad. Who he works for or what he is doing is unknown, but he seem to be taking notes at each show. EZ Ryder has signed a long term contract with the NWA/CWF. Ryder worked for both Power Pro and the CWF in the past. Who he will side with is unknown, but Commissioner Stryker has been quoted as saying that Ryder will be joing the Power Pro Group. Speaking of bombshells, James Mitchell has claimed that he has negoitated a deal that will see Iron Man join his Militia. Iron Man has been the one wrestler that has stood up to groups like the Militia and anyone else who gets out of line. Iron Man stood up to Stryker and Nevada last month and received a 30 day suspension for his efforts. Bobby Collins has inked a one year contract with the CWF. It seems that Collins claims that he has a new look and personality. He sucked the fans into believing him too many times, to believe him now. Collins is going to have to prove his claims to everyone. |