Roster Page

Note: Sorry for the long delay everyone. I've been real busy. But now it looks like we're ready to roll! So come on! LET'S KICK SOME BUTT!!! :)

Win/Loss Record Wrestler
0-0-0 Bill Goldberg
0-0-0 Bret Hart
0-0-0 Chris Benoit
0-0-0 Chris Jericho
0-0-0 Dean Malenko
0-0-0 Great Muta
0-0-0 Johnny Grunge
0-0-0  Justin Credible  
0-0-0 Kane
0-0-0   Kevin Nash aka "Diesel" 
0-0-0  Kingpin
0-0-0  Kronus 
0-0-0  Lance Storm 
0-0-0   "Macho Man" Randy Savage 
0-0-0   Masahiro Chono
0-0-0   Mav Mysteria Jr.
0-0-0  Maximus_Ordicus  
0-0-0  Raven
0-0-0   Rob Van Dam
0-0-0  Rocko Rock 
0-0-0  Sabu 
0-0-0  Saturn
0-0-0   Security
0-0-0  Silverdust
0-0-0  Stan `The Heartbreaker" Grubb
0-0-0  Syxx
0-0-0  Taz
0-0-0  Terry Gordy
0-0-0 The Giant
0-0-0  "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
0-0-0  Undertaker
0-0-0  Violence
0-0-0  Wildman

Tag Team Roster coming soon!