Samanthas Place
Written by my best friend about the thoughts he had of this girl while in the hospital.
Im honored to share it here with his permission.
Thanks your such a sweet-ie-pie!

Your such a beautiful ROSE my love,that bloomed from within my sadness
I still smile inside with thoughts of you,while outside me my life is madness
Im so confused and hurt,where do I go now
Your where my heart is, my wifey I thought I found
Deaths stared me in the eyes so much lately Im almost blind
But I still picture a moment ago I felt loved and special,everything was fine
I with you,you with me,so deeply in love,never was I so happy
I lay here tortured by our seperation,everything seems crappy
If you only knew how sorry I was for the dumb arguments and fights
If you only knew I said a special i love her prayer to god of you before bed each night
If only I knew why, why you hurt me,why we no longer talk
If only I can get up and move,I'd go take a walk
No I'd run and run, run until my end
Keep running I will ......... until my true love,my ROSE,blooms again

November 3 2003