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What They're Sayin About This Site:
That's the funniest shit I've seen in a while. -Pinaki
Thank you so much! I love Rahseed Wallace so much it's ridiculous! It's great to see a site giving him his due. THANK YOU AGAIN. -LilJigga808
You deserve tall props for this site. Rasheed is a stud. The only bad thing about this site is that I wasn't reading it yesterday. -CJC
I enjoyed you view on Rasheed. I'm a Laker fan but I still love some of the things Ra does on the court. -James
And thank you, thank you for creating this fabulous site. It's just unique as Rasheed himself. -Daphne
Hey guy, checked out your site I thought it was dope. - JR
You're one of the smartest people I know. -PAR
I love RA! I think that he is the one of the most prolific players in NBA today. The thing that I admire most about him is the deep love he has for his mother. He is truly a man because he is not afraid to display how much his mother means to him. It's good to know that there is other RA fans out there. Later! -Julia
He did an elbow smash on the Minnesota Timberwolves logo in front of Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura after winning Round 1 of the 1999-2000 Playoffs. -Ruby_baby
I always mention this site first when talking about Sheed. -Eli
Best website ever, hands down. I love Rasheed. How did you get that list? It's the best thing on the internet. - Stearnsand
Hey I just wanted to congradulate you on having an awesome web page--Sheed doesn't get much credit, and I enjoyed reading the 100+ reasons to love Sheed--those are cool stories! Greatest Site I've seen! -Sprink
I just saw your Rasheed Wallace page. I LOVED IT!!! ...I'm only sorry I didn't find this earlier! -DW
Rasheed Wallace, or as us boys on "Pipe City" called him Dickieball, was definately a character. I had the wonderful chance to live on the basketball hall with him my first 2 years at Carolina in Granville South 1st Floor. I have vivid memories of living with "The Top Guns" as they called themselves (Rasheed, Jerry & Touche)--Signed ball to prove it. As you can imagine, those 2 years where the highlight of my college life! The memories I have the most are chillin' out in the hall everynight (everyone's door was open) and hearing Rasheed's music and hearing him yell from playing Sega with fellow roommates and suitemates. Hell, he even borrowed my stereo (little one) and fried it b/c of all the power going to his speakers. But furthermore would be the time we played (all of us on the floor) games in the hall. He would take us on one by one in basketball. Dribbling and dunking over us on a fake rim above the door. Those marks are still there over the door (soft walls) when we left, however I believed they have remodeled since then. Of course, no one won -- but there was good talks. He was truly a character and a memory that I will never forget. Thank you for your page. -Bo
Pretty smooth site. I don't know whether it was the mystique of being a freshman or not, but I'm constantly trying to tell people that they can pick whoever to go three on three with Jerry, Touche, and Rasheed, and there's no other Carolina threesome that can touch them (that actually played together on
the same team). Even Ed, Antawn, and Vince. Don't get me wrong, I mean Ed's got handles, and Vince hates the rim, but no one's got the goods on Sheed, Jerry, and Touche, especially if McInnis is wearing his gold tooth. -Preston (We couldn't agree more. -Team Lvatorman)
There are alot of dumb web pages out there, but this one is at the top of the list! -WKC
The following is my favorite Sheed story as told by a man who witnessed all happen...First team scrimmage Ra's freshman year. Montross and Salvadori had been pushing Ra up and down the court, double teaming him down low, and talkin' shit the whole time. Evidently Ra went up for a turn around "J" in the lane only to have Montross and Salvadori club him and block his
shot...each telling him to never bring that shit inside again.
Next time down the court Ra caught a ball coming off of the rim at which time he did one of his backboard shaking monster dunks (a 9.5 on Pat Sullivan's grading scale) on Montross and Salvadori. Upon landing on his feet Ra pushed Montross into Salvadori and yelled, "You better recognize..Motherf***er! Your job is mine!" This outburst infuriated Montross as he chased Ra down the court as the entire team tried to break it up. Ra ran laps for the rest of the practice.-CB
Best Website ever...I love reason #98. -KSmith
This is also an apt time to mention again one of the funniest pages in all hoopdom, dedicated to Rasheed. It is a static page, but the list of 100 reasons why Elevatorman loves Rasheed is still funny. - The Duke Basketball Report I am sure I am not the first to say that you page is great. I am a die hard Portland fan. They may have made the biggest mistake by not drafting #23, but they sure have made up a little in getting Rasheed from Washington. -Greg
Hi. I love your site. It provides so much comic relief--it's great. I just wasted two hours at work browsing the site! That story about Montross and Salvadori is classic.-PS
I love your site. I love Rasheed and the Blazers, Carolina all of it. It's been so hard for me to find someone that truley apreciates the essence that is 'Sheed. Thanks so much. -MA
First of all, I must say that your web page on Rasheed kicks ass. I love the top 100 list...it completely rules. I spent my entire sopmore and junior years playing arcade games in the Student Union with Rasheed. That's probably the reason that I pulled a 1.5 my junior year. Oh my God....Me, him, D
Phelps, and Chuck would play Run 'N Gun all damn day, and of course, the losing team had to buy the winning teams next game...and Rasheed's favorite team on that one was the Suns. He loved bustin people up with Barkley. And playing pool, I still owe him 2 double-dueces of Mickeys, which I do plan on giving him one day in the future. I always thought it was unfair playing pool against him. I mean, damn, he could reach longways
across that table with no problem. Keep up the good work on the page. -J
Hey there, My name is Matt, and I live and work in Portland Oregon. We are so happy to have Rasheed on the Blazers. Last summer, I tattooed Rasheed's Royal Family piece, completed in three sittings, totaling six hours. I dare say it is one of the most bitchin' in the NBA. Anyway, thanks for the great site.
Thanks for keeping this page on the web. Whenever I'm feeling nostalgic for the Jerry, Jeff, Rasheed days of Carolina basketball, I drop by for a visit. It's great.
I am a 12 year old member of the Rasheed Wallace International Fan Club. I have been a member of other fan clubs, but I have never received so many neat things from a favorite player before. I guess that shows the generosity of Rasheed, and Mr. Gooch. Blazers all the way... Dwayne L. Irvin #10
Wicked page dude. I love Ra.
I love Rasheed, I love the Trailblazers, therefore I am the happiest man in basketball fandom My band has an album containing the song I wrote in praise of him…I wear my Rasheed shirt under my suit when I play gigs. I love this man and his game. God bless him and you for this site.
Pretty sweet man. Nice college-centric outlook, I like that better than the pros, it's
Dear Great One, Your site is possibly the greatest web site that I have ever come across. Beautiful. Thank you for your time and effort.
Great web site, from another elevator man.
Rumor has it that Rasheed won his high school conference tennis title his senior year.
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