NEWS FLASH!"It happened one night..." and it sure was a wacky one night! The Packer preseason kicked off August 1st and ended August 2nd. Sounds like a long game huh? Ohh it was. A game that saw four missed field goals, one a chip shot at 27 yards. Three of the four missed were potential game winners, with each place kicker missing one, including normally reliable Pete Stoyanovich. Stoyanovich was in rare form missing two field goals, something Packer fans had come to expect only from their kickers. But all's well that ends well right? No serious injuries to either team, and the pack came out on top 27-24 in OT (for those of you keeping track Longwell made the kick to win it.) Other noteworthy players contributing, Bill Schreoder who had a very impressive game and Glyn Milburn (the games MVP and the proud new owner of a motorcyle), also turning in a good performance both returning and running the ball. One more thing to add, however non-Packer related it may be, I've expanded this site to the entire NFL, check it out in the NFL section. I've also added a section entitled ASK ME, which is exactly what it sounds like, you ask me a PAcker question, then I answer it. Not too tough right? Well go for it ASK ME. Now back to your regularly scheduled program, the old news... We've picked up a few more people, most notablly Raymont Harris, yeah OK we have a half-back in Levens, well hopefully, he still hasn't signed as of last report still a $1.3 million gap between offering and asking. But there is more news at the half-back position, Aaron Hayden has been cut. Vaughn Booker signed over from KC, and we made another pick-up on D, Mike Prior will be back in Green and Gold, contrary to previous reports that he wouldn't due to the fact he was waived. There's a couple other changes, but none of great consequence. Now back to the old old old news... Reggie White's retiring, wrong the great defensive end was retiring now he's not he'll stick around for another year. Speaking of sticking around remember that guy Brett Conway the Packers drafted last year, he won't be (then again I've been wrong before, but how likely is it? It got less likely with reports of a possible trade with the Jets.) because of a recent three year extension to none other than Ryan Longwell's contract, you know the guy Holmgren told he had no chance. Adam Timmerman will also be around for awhile longer. While we're still on the subject of veterans Glyn Milburn will be returning kicks in Green and Gold next year (he's the lion we were always trying to cage) Now onto the draft... First round pick: DL Vonnie Holliday, Second Round: Miami drafted for us, Third Round: DE Jonathan Brown, Fourth Round: CB Roosevelt Blackmon Fifth Round: WR Corey Bradford, Sixth Round: (we got two in here) FS Scott McGarrahan, and QB Matt Hasselbeck, Seventh Round: (last one) RB Edwin Watson. For more details on the draftees check out the news section. And now the stuff I still have up that everyone knows... it's not brand spanking new news anymore but there's been good and bad in the land of the cheese this offseason... The Packers lost Gil Haskel, Nolan Cromwell became wide receivers coach in place of him, and Johnny Holland took over Cromwell's job. That's the coaching news... on to the not-as-pretty player news... Edgar Bennet, gone, Doug Evans, gone, Gabe Wilkins, gone (noticing a patern???) Craig Hentrich, gone, Don Beebe, gone, Eugene Robinson, gone, Aaron Taylor, gone, LeRoy Butler, PISSED. There is 'good' news too... Ryan Longwell, here for 3 more years (at least) Steve Bono (AKA BONEHEAD) GONE! Roell Preston, back, Lee DeRamus, here, Sean Landeta, here (not neccisarily good news) otherwise not too much news... If there is more to be shared you can bet these sites will know about it...THE OFFICIAL PACKERS HOMEPAGE PACKER PLUS THE SOUTHENDZONE But before you go there's one more bit of news I think all Packer fans, and all football fans should know, Ray Nitschke died at age 61 on March 8. He was perhaps the greatest LB to ever play the game, and one of the nicest men ever to play the game of life. His death is a loss to all of us. Thanx... And one last bit of non-football related news, I've become a web-partner to E & S Enterprisers they sell all sorts of different things, including some sports related stuff so check em out.

   This NFL Ring siteis owned by Brent Kuckkan.
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