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Hello , and welcome to my DCI site.

I change my page almost every day so keep checking back for more stuff. In case your not to familiar DCI I'll try to give you an idea on what it's about: DCI (Drum Corps International) is an organization of competition (like the NHL or NFL) for drum corps. the people that compete put in LOTS of hours to provide entertainment to the fans of DCI (they don't get paid for it). The Corps that produce the shows they do have different reasons for competeing, weather It be to win or to entertain, but no matter what they do it for they put on fantastic shows for the fans. (to learn more visit the official DCI site)

Good job Blue Knights

Dave's WGI percussion and color guard page
(winter guard international)

The News                     Find out who rockin' the stands in DCI

Links to Drum Corp sites

Need Tickets? the Official DCI web page

About me.

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