FCB Club Members
Michael Cordi
Currently training seriously. Latest Race: 37:11 10K, 4th place
Albert Wang
Hasn't run in years (except away from prospective wives). Last known to be in Hong Kong, but has not been heard from since the Communist takeover.
Sherry Yale
Last known whereabout were Buffalo, NY. Rumors range from her being a
contender in the Boston Marathon next year to having become a drifter.
Bob Rarrick
Recently checked in to a rehabilitation clinic for the chronic abuse of his left hamstring. Has dillusions of some day being competitive in
triathlons again.
Dwight Galbi
In the midst of comeback #4507. Last Race: 5:05 Mile, 2nd in Clydesdale division.
Mark Cibulsky
New Cascadilla Brother - returned to racing with a 21:45 5K, then decided that perhaps he should go back into retirement...
Brian Norton
Former New York State Champion in one mile walk. Operation Desert Storm veteran. 2nd place in Saudi Arabian 5K. Past winner of prestigious Highgate 10K.
Karin Bobier
One of the top female cyclist in New York State - can put a dropped chain back on without stopping. Set recent female FCB record for 10-mile time trial
Jon Beard
Former star at SUNY Delhi and University of Massachusetts - dreams of rewriting history so he could win national title with team instead of just going to Disney World
Kevin Rahner
Been improving ever since M-E high school days. Now prominent road racer and holder of FCB 5K and 10K records