FCB Photo Gallery

And there off at the IBM Homestead (The Roots of FCB)
Trio of M.Cordi (run), B.Rarrick (bike), and B.Davis (swim) take 2nd in the Spartan Spirit Triathlon
Michael Cordi on the way to a 2:46:14 Wine Glass Marathon finish
Dwight Galbi, as a rising star at Duke, breaks clear of the pack
The Last Dual (Dwight stalks, then outkicks Bob at the Empire State Trials, the site of their last head-to-head competition)
Bob Rarrick, in the refugee years, gives it his best I don't care look
Jon Beard, as a University of Massachutes superstar, puts down the hammer
"Sacrificing the Tree" (burning a tree at the track where your next race will be held brings luck and good fortune)
Albert Wang, when he actually ran, battles for position
Brian Norton - Gulf War Vet, runner, race walker, but most of all, a family man
Mark Cibulsky ponders his next move - athletic or other, we don't know...
Mark Cibulsky, the guy film just never seems to find running
Hermes, Messenger of the Gods and spiritual leader of FCB
FCB Glamor Girl Sherry Yale
Sherry Yale nails down 8th place finish in Spartan Spirt Triathlon

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