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 Hello welcome to my web page.  My name is Gabe Shanafelt and I am 18 years old.  I was a crew member on the US team in the Atlantic Challenge in the summer of 1996.  The Atlantic Challenge is a sailing and rowing competion that is held in a different country every two years.  If you would like more information on the Atlantic Challenge follow the link below.  Here is a picture of a Bantry Bay Gig.  Which we used in the competition.

<img src= Right now in Tacoma, Washington I and many others youth volunteers are working on a Gig of our own. It should be completed this summer. Here is a link to that project and it's homepage. When we are completed with the gig we will need a name for it. If you have any ideas email me. The name has to be in French and and it should symbolize a group or and character trait and it needs to end in e. Like (unite) which is unity or (tenacite) which is tenacity. Click here if you want to see the home page of the Bantry Bay Project that I am involved with in Tacoma, Washington, USA.

If you have any ideas on making this a better page please email me. Gabe Shanafelt,

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Standard Disclaimer: I am no way associated with any of the links that are provided by me on my links pages. I am also not associated with the Atlantic Challenge Communications Centre other than I was a member of the USA team in 1996.

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