A Skaters PlanetThis may seem a bit strange to most of you, but after you read this and really think about it, it would actually be pretty cool! | Figure Skating PollFill out this survey to see what the majority thinks of figure skating issues. Your opinion is very important! |
A Skaters JournalYour feelings about skating, why you love it so much, what it means to you, and lots more. | Figure Skating PhotographyThis tells you how to capture those wonderful skating moments on film. Take pictures of you, your friends, or the Stars! |
Care for your skatesFigure Skates are quite expensive, so it's a good idea to learn how to take care of them properly.
| How to train off the iceFigure Skating takes a lot more work than just the everyday skating session. Learn how you can improve all aspects of your skating with these off-ice activites. |
Cool StuffInteresting gifts that you can make for your friends, or give out at competitions. They're really a lot easier than they look!
| The JumpsDiagrams of some of the jumps, which should help you understand jump positions. Also, if you're confused about which jump is which, this should help! |
Precision SkatingThis is the ideal precision skater resource. It features ways to improve your team, fund-raising ideas, and lots more.
| The ScrapbookKeep all of your memories organized by creating your very own scrapbook. |
Famous FirstsWho was it that landed the very first axel? Test your skating knowledge by checking out these famous firsts.
| My top 10 ultimate favorite skatersA list of my ten favorite skaters. You may agree or disagree - that's the beauty of sport! |
Fan Mail AddressesHave you been wanting to send something to your favorite skater? Well, this is your chance!
| Bulletin BoardHave a question you'd like answered? Or a pair of skates for sale? Post all your skating announcements here! |
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![]() ![]() Erin Penney. Want to join the Figure Skating Webring? Webring graphics designed by TrYnYtI PaGeS!!! |
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