Mike's Home Page
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- Volleyball
- I like everything about it. Doubles is the best. I create a summer tournament list every
year. If you would like to get an e-mail of the list or would like to have your
tournaments on my list please leave me a message. If you
are leaving information about your tournaments please give me the dates and any
information that you want listed. Also if you could give all the information that I list
it would be apreciated.
- Computer Games

- I get the exercise playing volleyball, so this is the couch potato activity. I am
currently playing Ultima Online.
- Other games that I can play are Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Command & Conquer, Red Alert,
Warcraft II,
- Mech Warrior 2, Diablo, and many others.
Send me an e-mail and maybe we can play.
- X-Files
- Couch potato activity nember 2. I watch the X-Files
every Sunday night. Best show on TV, has humor as well as scary stuff, what more could you
ask for.
- Dilbert
- Great comic, pokes fun at authority, lots of fun to read because it is so true.
Visit the Dilbert Store
- Comics

- Collect and read, lots of different ones, mostly Marvel. X-Men, Spiderman, Fantastic
Four, lots of others
People that I work with

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Electronic mail address
ICQ: Look me up under my MSN e-mail
Page designed by Michael Daly.
Last revised: December 19, 2002.