taylor - 10/17/00 03:52:17 My Email:taylor_6669@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: school | Comments: hello |
Vikki & Laura - 09/30/00 21:50:18 My Email:Jacaranda@fieldsofluvandindecision.fsnet.co.uk How did you find my site?: browsing | Comments: Hullow! We're fae Glasgow! We're a wee bit mad! We'd have to be, we're Crowdies fans, y'know... |
- 09/25/00 13:08:10 | Comments: |
frosty - 08/22/00 08:00:51 My Email:frostissimo@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: browsing | Comments: crowded house was a NZ band |
Dave - 01/16/00 03:56:55 My Email:dave_tyler@tesco.net How did you find my site?: Looking for an official website | Comments: I was looking for an official website, hoping to get some future tour details. Any ideas? Regards, DT |
Anne - 11/12/99 09:21:11 My Email:cookietibbs@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: looking for Neil Finn information | Comments: Good site. I just bought "Try Whistling This last week & can't take it off my stereo it is that good. Neil Finn never fails to impress. I am excited about his next piece of work. Hurry up Neil. & please tour soon |
Lloyd - 10/29/99 21:56:17 My URL:http://ww.angelfire.com/me/lloydr My Email:l_rothwell@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: Alta Vista | Comments: You have a good page here. My favourite Aussie bands are Australian Crawl and Choirboys. |
Stephanie - 09/04/99 05:24:36 My Email:ssstrader@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: search engine | Comments: I love Crowded House's Recurring Dream. My boyfriend is from Australia, and he introduced me to the wonderful and intriguing music of Neil Finn. It's just too bad that they are no more and I just found out about them. |
redghan - 08/13/99 10:48:40 My Email:redghan@hotmail.com | Comments: WHERE ARE THE TABS |
Gwendolyne - 07/02/99 20:06:25 My Email:gwendy.pithie@dpd.be | Comments: It's a great site... Do you know where I can listen to the song "Italian Plastic"?????? Please let me know |
The Yahoot Oracle - 05/18/99 23:39:34 My URL:http://www.yahoot.com/oracle.html My Email:oracle@robert.to How did you find my site?: Looked | Comments: Hello Jon! |
magnus zetterlund - 05/01/99 11:47:52 My Email:magnuszetterlund@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: search for crowded house | Comments: |
magnus zetterlund - 05/01/99 11:40:56 How did you find my site?: search for crowded house | Comments: |
Valerie - 04/29/99 03:49:35 My Email:valeriehatmaker@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: cruising around, looking at Finn sites | Comments: I've been looking at all of these Finn sites for awhile, so I don't know if I've signed you guestbook or not! But what the heck if in doubt, sign it again right? It's so great to read the comments that everyone has re: Finn/CH/Enz, etc. We truly must be he most devoted fans of any band, since CH split up 3 + years ago, and Neil is only doing small tours...mostly in Europe, UK and Australia/NZ it appears. Unlucky for the US fans, but we can live vicariously thru the lucky one's exoeriences right? Will th re be any touring this summer on this side of the world? i thought I heard or read about Rochester, NY, but maybe I dreamed it! :) Oh well, rock on kids, we are a group of people with excellent tastes, musically! |
John Masterton - 04/28/99 18:29:04 My URL:http://www.brechinangus.freeserve.co.uk My Email:ch@brechinangus.freeserve.co.uk How did you find my site?: yahoo | Comments: Great site. Nice to see a different set of crowdie info. Neil Finn was great in Glasgow in sept 1998. The guy is mad ! Everything is good for you, if it doesn't kill you |
Kelly - 04/18/99 05:00:42 My Email:dreamhouse@frenz.com How did you find my site?: frenz.com | Comments: This is a great Crowded House sight!!! |
KennethValkeMolle - 02/23/99 18:50:56 My URL:http://yes.no My Email:kebbe@online.no How did you find my site?: I want to be popular | Comments: Hey I am not interessed in Crowded House ,but my friend Timmy Hansen is so I had to write down some few words.I \think that private universe is their best song and Cant`carry on and Newcastle-jam,but I have never heard them. Take Care, Ciao!!!!!!!!! Kiss from KennethKebbeValkeMolleBamsemoms I am Elvis |
Adam Hammond - 01/21/99 21:10:32 How did you find my site?: Surfing!! | Comments: Probably the greatest live band in the world ever!! I saw them in London twice, the gig at Hammersmith was the best i've seen in my 30 years!!! Weather With you is the best song ever... |
janet - 01/13/99 04:15:16 My Email:greenhalghs@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: surfed in | Comments: i would like to talk about neil finn, so please write to me |
gav - 01/01/99 09:44:54 | Comments: A great web site.My wife and I saw neil in july in brisbane and loved the concert,we even spoke to him and had our picture taken with him.It was one never too forget. |
kelly burke - 12/15/98 15:09:39 My Email:13162985@qub.ac.uk How did you find my site?: Yahoo page for Aus.and N.Z | Comments: Web site is great for Crowdies like me who can't get enough info in Belfast! |
Ryan D'Cruz - 11/20/98 11:57:03 My Email:cp.com | Comments: hbcjh |
Felicity McDonnell - 10/31/98 22:36:12 | Comments: |
Tracy Rice - 10/21/98 08:45:30 My Email:price@sia.net.au How did you find my site?: Surfing the big cyberwaves! | Comments: People with good taste have got to stick together, thanks Jonathon :) |
Mel - 10/03/98 10:59:52 My Email:crowdies@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: Crowded House search | Comments: The Crowdies will live on forever! Saw Neil July2 and still remember it like it was yesterday - he's a wonder I will never forget. Great site you have here! Would love to get in contact with other younger fans. |
Danny - 09/14/98 12:38:21 My Email:martin@postoffice.trump.net.au How did you find my site?: from neil finn site | Comments: Always good to read about Neil, keep it going. |
Danny - 09/14/98 12:38:20 My Email:martin@postoffice.trump.net.au How did you find my site?: from neil finn site | Comments: IAlways good to read about Neil, keep it going. |
Anne-Marie - 09/06/98 09:30:49 My URL:http://www.suite101.com/topics/page.cfm/657 My Email:crowdie@fan.net How did you find my site?: you told me about it :) | Comments: Cool......just having a look round. Keep spreading the word about Neil. |
Trifle - 09/04/98 10:06:41 My Email:drewton@mcmail.com How did you find my site?: you told me! | Comments: Nice one Jon, not sure about the hair though! c-ya |
- 08/21/98 12:06:08 How did you find my site?: TiTM | Comments: YAY! Good work, the trivia nights are unreal! Well the first one was!! |
Tricia Allen - 08/20/98 15:47:27 My Email:TAnJC@aol.com How did you find my site?: the CH list | Comments: Well done! |
melissa - 08/14/98 14:37:25 How did you find my site?: by accident | Comments: CROWDED HOUSE MAY BE GONE BUT THEIR LEGEND WILL LIVE ON FOREVER, OR AS LONG AS NEIL FINN'S VOICE IS ABLE TO BE HEARD!!!!!!! |
- 08/10/98 17:58:25 | Comments: |
Andrea - 08/06/98 12:39:42 My Email:agenda@iinet.net.au How did you find my site?: Through the digest | Comments: I laugh as I find another fan... our numbers are growing and the world is discovering this music! Thanks to your site and through many other avenues I've made contact with 'frenz' I hope I never lose... if anyone reading this would like to get in touch w th me please do, I look forward to it. |
Kajsa-Lena Nordquist - 08/01/98 14:35:45 My Email:kajsa.nordquist@swipnet.se | Comments: I discovered Neil Finn yesterday. Today I canīt be without him. |
Laura Gross - 07/31/98 23:30:24 My Email:antlo@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: Through links | Comments: Great site, I have been a dedicated Neil fan forever and think he is just amazing, just saw him in Toronto and the show was just incredible. Even got a pic with him after the show. |
Laura Gross - 07/31/98 23:24:24 | Comments: |
Emmanuel Dor - 07/30/98 00:11:05 My Email:emdor@aei.ca | Comments: Great site! I was at the Finn show in Montreal (28-07-1998). Nice show! Finn is a good musician. His band (including his son) are great too! Aurevoir from Montreal, Canada to all Finn lovers! |
louise dixon - 07/29/98 07:12:21 My Email:retro @ smart . net . au How did you find my site?: by accident | Comments: neil finn is a legend . i have been a dedicated fan since the split enz days and love all his music. saw him live in melbourne july 9 which was brilliant |
Lynn Rubczak - 07/22/98 13:36:49 My Email:nrubczak@aol.com How did you find my site?: meandering with intent | Comments: It's good to find like minded souls who appreciate the finer things in life. Hope to see Neil here in Scotland in the autumn. |
Spencer Herron - 07/22/98 01:49:15 My Email:herron2@mindspring.com How did you find my site?: looking for a neil chat room... | Comments: I just wanted to say that I live in Atlanta, GA and just recently had the incredible pleaseure of meeting Neil at the show on July 19th at the Variety Playhouse. Meeting Neil is the highlight of my musical journey. He was extremely gentlemenly and quite gracious. His new record is nothing short of a masterpiece !!!!!! |
Timmy Hansen - 07/15/98 14:39:37 How did you find my site?: I was interessed to sign a guestbook | Comments: I think that Crowded House is the best rockgroup since "beatlemania"Luckely,I am an owner of all Crowded House albums,+Neil Finn`s new solo- album.LONG LIVE CROWDED HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Timmy Hansen - 07/15/98 14:37:34 How did you find my site?: I was interessed to sign a guestbook | Comments: |
Lorna Austin - 07/05/98 12:14:35 | Comments: Great to be able to get so much info on this brilliant songwriter and melody-maker....Can't wait to see him in September...Would love to be in contact with other Neil Fans.Fancy e.mailing me? |
Lorna Austin - 07/05/98 12:12:17 My Email:finn@postmaster.co.uk How did you find my site?: Just surfed on in! | Comments: |
DEBORAH D - 07/04/98 20:52:17 | Comments: |
DEBORAH D - 07/04/98 20:52:16 | Comments: |
Kat - 07/01/98 23:35:13 My Email:stone@clear.net.nz How did you find my site?: On the latest CD | Comments: I love you Neil!!!! |
kym hodson - 06/22/98 06:31:24 My Email:split90@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: frenz.com | Comments: excellent site, i should come here more often!!!! p.s Neil finn is a legand |
The Magic Piper - 06/18/98 12:16:26 How did you find my site?: Magic :) | Comments: WOO HOOOO!!!! WHATA MINT PAGE!!! i luv it and im gonna tell all me frends bout it. yeah wel... keep pipin and keep listenin to crowded house and split enz....COZ THEY RULE!!!!! yeah :) |
Richard Langford - 06/14/98 10:48:44 My Email:david.hardyment@xtra.co.nz How did you find my site?: looked up neil finn | Comments: I hope you are currently playing 'Try Whistling This' on your CD player! Great isn't it? I'm looking for the chords to any of the songs on the album, especially 'She Will Have Her Way'. I love that song!! If you know anyone who has the tab, can you get them to drop me an email? Cheers Richard Langford |
Libby Chambers - 06/14/98 10:21:58 My Email:libbychambers@compuserve.com How did you find my site?: by chance! | Comments: Dear Jon I was searching for details of the Queensland Pharmacy Board in an attempt to find the current address of an old friend who is registered in Queensland, and I stumbled upon your address. I trained at the University of Queensland as a pharmacist, graduati g in 1985, and am currently working in the UK as a pharmacist. Good luck with the study and the sport. Regards Libby |
Glenn - 05/22/98 16:51:47 My Email:dungate@space.net How did you find my site?: Frenz.com | Comments: Great site on the greatest musicians/artists on this earth. Will you be putting any Try Whistling This info/pics up ?. Once again great site !!!!!!!!!. Glenn |
melissa - 05/07/98 05:02:51 How did you find my site?: you sent it to me! | Comments: be back later to have a proper look at it all! |
Ghost Nation - 04/29/98 11:29:06 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~GhostNation/index.html My Email:ghostnation@hotmail.com How did you find my site?: Frenz.com | Comments: Hiya Jon! Coolo site mate. Love the colours very TOLM and CH, RD mixture. Great job, very Barry. Just one thing, needs more NICK!! Luv B (PS, all u ppl reading this head over to my homepage to learn more about the legend NICK) |